Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Three Months


How in the world are you already three months old?!?!  It seems like just yesterday that we didn't even know you were on your way and now, here you are, no longer a newborn but a nice little baby!

This month has been a big one for us.  At the start of the month you were still eating eight times a day, waking us up at night every 3-4 hours.  Within two weeks though you transformed and are now eating five times a day and sleeping 10 hours at night!  I guess it finally just clicked with you and we are so thankful that it did!  Your Daddy and I feel like entirely new people after almost a solid month of sleeping through the night!  You have probably only woken up in the middle of the night 3 or 4 times since that first night you slept through the night.

Currently you're typical schedule is this.  7 am we wake you up (yes, you're usually still snoozing then but we've got to get you up then so that we can keep our day running smoothly!).  You eat and play until 8:15.  Then you go back to sleep and we wake you up to eat again at 10:30.  Again, play until 11:45 and then back to bed.  We wake you up at 2 pm to eat and you stay up and play until 3:15.  Then you nap again until we wake you up at 5:30 to eat.  You stay up until 6:45 and then nap until we wake you up at 8:30 to eat.  You are usually back in your crib to go to sleep by 9 and you sleep until 7.

Being on this side of the sleep schedule I will say that I think spending nine weeks of you waking up two to three times during the night was worth it to go straight to sleeping so long.  But when we were in the middle of that I definitely wouldn't have said that!  Your first two months it looked like we might be in trouble because you didn't like sleeping at night and didn't like sleeping during the day.  But now you love nap time and usually go down without a peep and sleep great at night!

As you can see in this picture, this month has been big for your personality too!  You are all smiles most of the time now!  You love your activity gym and enjoy batting at the objects on it.  You try and grab your baseball player but don't have quite enough of a grip to grab him yet.  You also have started reaching for the shapes on your bouncer which is a lot of fun.  Last Saturday you managed to touch the triangle hanging from the elephant which we all go really excited about!

And while you don't cry often when you do your little lips turn down into the cutest pout I've ever seen.  I wish we could catch it on film but it's just so short lived that we don't have a shot.  But when you get startled you will just pout and quiver your chin for a few seconds before wailing.  Given the fact that your wails are short lived too it's pretty cute!  I have a cold right now and have been sneezing a lot.  There have been some times when I've sneezed over my shoulder while I was feeding you and you jumped a mile high and did your sad face before crying for a second.  It's sad but also so cute!

You have found your hands this month and love holding them together.  When you're not batting things on your activity gym you hold your hands together.  And often you sleep like that until you get zonked into a deep sleep and throw them up next to your head.  We tried a little when you were first born to get you to take a passy but you don't really want anything to do with one unless we're out and we need you to get to sleep.  If you're in the sling or something you'll take it because you can keep it in when you press it against me, but at home you are fine without it.  You suck on your thumb and sometimes your fingers which I don't love because I know how hard breaking a thumb habit is now, but I guess it goes with the territory since your sister sucks her thumb too.

You got sick for the first time this month.  I guess that's what happens with a big sister in school, she gets it first and then passes it to everyone else.  We took you to the doctor for a low fever and they had to draw blood to make sure you were ok but everything looked ok so you just weathered it.  You seem totally over it now and so I'm just hoping that I don't give it back to you since I was the last to get it!

The round the clock feeding for nine weeks definitely helped your weight gain.  Although you're still packing on the pounds even sleeping through the night!  I weighed you this morning and you weighed 13 pounds on our scale.  I also tried to measure you and got 23 inches but who knows if that's right since you're really squirmy.  You are still in size one diapers and are in 3-6 month clothes.  Most of the 3 month outfits are too little but the 6 month ones are too big.

You also quit the swaddle last week which was sad for us!  Charlotte was swaddled until about 5 months but you kept waking up with your legs totally out of it so we tried you without it and you did fine.  That is posing a problem for jammies though since we mostly had gowns and those end up around your waist by morning if we put you in one.  For now you're sleeping in footies but we had been putting those on as outfits so we need to get some exclusive pi's.

You are such a sweet little guy and we are so thankful that God put you into our family!  You are easy and go with the flow and so laid back which is so nice since we're often out and about ferrying Charlotte to one place or another.  You're a great eater and a wonderful sleeper and we are loving watching you grow!

I love you Jamesy!

*James at months one, two
*Charlotte at months onetwo, three, four, five, six


  1. Happy three months birthday, James! We love you very much and are loving watching you grow into such a big boy!
    Love, KayKay and GrandDavid

  2. Happy Three Months, James!



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