Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tickle Time!

On Friday morning I was taking pictures of Charlotte in her cute outfit and then she came and sat in my lap and I decided to try and take some pictures of the two of us.  I would hold the camera out and tickle her and she would laugh and lean back into me and I snapped away.  With no makeup on, without a shower, with my hair in a ponytail I didn't figure that I would like any of the pictures but I actually love them.  Because to me they're what we're about right now.  A lot of the time we're just at home hanging out.  I'll wait to take a shower and "get dressed" until after I clean up the house or start laundry or one of the other fifty things that I have on my to-do list that day.  And when she's asleep I run around like a chicken with my head cut off in order to try and accomplish those things.  But when she's awake I try and sit and soak in the time with her.  We tickle each other and color and read the same book fifteen times in a row.  I love the giggles and the snuggles and this special time with just the two of us.  And these pictures, to me, represent those times.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you...I love the "everyday-ness" of these pictures. That last one, especially...I can practically hear her laugh!



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