Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Compassion Christmas Cards

After Charlotte was born last year, Jason and I sat down and searched the Compassion International databases for a child that we could sponsor who had the same birthday as Charlotte.  We wanted to sponsor a child that Charlotte could relate to if in no other reason that they shared the same birthday and we thought we could greatly help the life of a child somewhere else and teach Charlotte a lot of valuable lessons as she grew up.  So we adopted a little girl from Rwanda named Ingabire who was born on May 22, 2003.  And as we began writing her and hearing back from her our hearts were blessed in a multitude of ways.  Reading about how smart she is and how she excels in her studies and being able to encourage her to continue her efforts makes me think that she will be able to advance herself and possibly get out of poverty by the time that she is an adult.  Right now Jason and I are the ones who are blessed by this relationship.  But since we have agreed to sponsor Ingabire monthly until she reaches the age of 18, soon Charlotte will get involved and start feeling like she's making a small impact also. 

One of the things that Compassion asks sponsors to do is to write their child.  They have a way on their website for you to email your child and they also encourage you to handwrite letters and send your child pictures.  Compassion writes about how much these letters and words of love and encouragement mean to these children who have so very little.  We do what we can to encourage and love on Ingabire as do many others who sponsor a child.  However, there are children that are still waiting for a sponsor.  These children aren't getting sponsor letters and Christmas cards like the children that are sponsored are. 

Right now Compassion and Dayspring are teaming up on a Christmas Card campaign hoping to provide Christmas cards with words of love and encouragement for 100 unsponsored children in Ecuador.  A team will be traveling to Ecuador December 11-16th to hand deliver these cards to the children who desperately need words of hope.  And you can be involved.

You can read this post on the Incourage website to find out more about the project.  Or you can follow the steps below to make a huge impact in one child's (or many children's) life!

1. Click here to go to the Studio DaySpring Christmas Card Drive page.

2. Design a card for a super special kid in Ecuador just dying to hear from YOU (for as little as $1.99).
3. Tell them what makes them so worth celebrating this Christmas season.
4. Include a photo of you and your family and a little bit about you so they know who the card’s coming from – kids LOVE photos!
5. Bear in mind we’ll need some room on the card to translate your message into Spanish.
6. Add to Cart and Voila – you’ve just created a Christmas message that will be hand delivered from you to a child in Ecuador. Our team will be there December 11-16.

You can make a difference in a child's life!  This takes so little effort and so little money (really! $1.99 is all that it will cost you!) and the effects of this one action can be monumentous.  Please join us in reaching out to these children and helping spread the good news of Christ's birth and your love to those that need it most.  And if you want to do more and can take $38 a month and sponsor a child, the blessings you receive and the impact you can make will make every sacrifice worth it.


  1. Great Post! I have a few friend who work for Compassion. We actually just did an event in Houston this past weekend.

  2. Thanks for spreading the word! Please be sure to tell your readers they can also send their own cards. For the price of 2 Dayspring cards, we were able to buy 48 cards to send to unsponsored children. Details on how to send them can be found here: http://meeshimama.blogspot.com/2010/10/christmas-cards-for-unsponsored.html



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