Monday, June 8, 2009

Two Week Checkup

This morning Charlotte had her two week checkup. Unfortunately for her that meant they had to re-do her PKU and she had to get another heel stick. That was the only negative of the visit though. Charlotte's weight has increased by a pound since her last visit which was so exciting. AND she has grown two inches! Here are her stats from birth and now:

Weight: 7 pounds, 3 ounces
Height: 18 1/2 inches

Two weeks and three days:
Weight: 7 pounds, 7 ounces
Height: 20 1/2 inches

Since I thought everyone probably needed a Charlotte fix here she is in her current position -- in her Boppy. We are down a sock because one of her socks got in her dirty diaper last time I changed her and so I pulled it off and it's now in the washing machine. But I didn't want to take off the other sock because that's the heel that got stuck this morning and I didn't want to cause any more pain. And since I could see her cute little toes I thought y'all might want to see them also!

And this is her expressing her displeasure at me taking a picture with the flash while she's trying to nap! I had to put the second head positioner in the Boppy because her head kept falling to the side in what appeared to be a very uncomfortable position. I feel much better about her hanging out in the Boppy with it!

Our doctor told us to try and keep her awake as much as possible during the day so that she'll sleep long at night. Thank goodness he told us that we can stop waking her up every three hours at night to feed! Jason and I almost cried we were so happy! :) So since we've been home I've had her on/in her activity gym which she pretty much fell asleep in as soon as I laid her down even though I was shaking rattles and such. After the next feeding I tried reading Five Little Monkeys and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Since Charlotte again fell asleep almost immediately I'm thinking Luca probably enjoyed my reading's more than she did. So, all of you Mom's out there, can you give me any suggestions on what to do with Charlotte to keep her awake and occupied? Also, do you have any milestone/first year books that you could recommend. Jason and I want to get some kind of book so that we can be aware of what milestones Charlotte should be meeting and what we should be doing to help her meet those milestones but we haven't had a lot of free time to go browse at Barnes and Noble! :) Thanks for your help!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Aaron Spencer said to say hey and congratulations!!! Just wanted to let you know.



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