Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Recipe Wednesday- by Jenni

Hi! My name is Jenni, and I came to know Jennifer when I helped her host a baby shower for Kelly. After that she brought me a few meals while I was on best rest waiting for my little girl to be born. How nice was that...we hardly knew each other at the time and she was sweet enough to bring us some wonderful food! So, I was more than happy to return the favor when Charlotte was born.
This is a recipe for the cookies I took her for dessert. They resemble those old fashioned peanut butter cookies you probably made when you were little...but better!! At least I think so because I love chocolate and peanut butter together!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies

1 pkg devils food cake mix
4 oz. cream cheese (room temp)
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 egg

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Mix all four ingredients on low speed x 2 min and then on medium for 2 min. Roll dough into 1 inch balls and put on non stick cookie sheet. Dip fork into granulated sugar and make "criss-cross" shape on top. Bake for 7-8 minutes.

My hints:
**I felt the batter was a little too dry. So I added a little water (maybe a TBLS or two). It still was really grainy and I didn't think it would work, but they came out great!
**Be prepared...the mixing is a mess. Use a big bowl!
**It makes a lot of cookies and you don't have to space them to far apart on the cookies sheet (they don't really spread).
**You can make then 1-2 weeks ahead and freeze after baked. Then take out as needed.

Sorry I didn't take a picture...that's my goal for my next post-ha!

1 comment:

  1. I love your "how we met" story. Doesn't surprise me at all that Jennifer id that for you. I'm convinced she only knows how to be sweet!

    These sound yummy and easy...both of my qualifications for trying a new recipe!



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