Saturday, June 6, 2009

Two weeks and her first stroll

Yesterday Charlotte and I headed over to my parents so that I could spend some time out of the house. I am pretty used to being in our house without leaving for days at a time because I work from home, but now that I'm staying inside AND am sleep deprived I'm finding that I need to get out and see the world a little more than I used to. So yesterday we headed out and it was the first time that just the two of us had left the house.

It took me quite a few trips to put practically everything she owns into the car in case she needed something and then I had to put her in the car seat in the car since I can't pick up her AND the car seat due to the c-section. But eventually we got everything in and were off. She got to go out to her first of many lunches at the pool and she slept right through it so that Mom and I could enjoy our lunches. Then when we got back we took her on her first stroll! She also slept right through that!

When we got home Jason and I took a two week picture with her bear. There really isn't much change that you can see but we feel like her little cheeks and tummy are fuller and that she's filling out her size newborn clothes much better now. We are headed to the doctor for her two week checkup on Monday and we can't wait to see how much weight she's put on. I just love the second picture of her yawning!

I'm heading out this afternoon to spend a little quality time by myself. I'm making the big, exciting trip to Target! :) Who knew there would come a day when I would be so excited about a trip to Target! Hopefully Charlotte will sleep for Jason while I'm gone. When I get back we're going to go strolling as a family of four. We'll see how well Luca likes the stroller!


  1. Jennifer,
    Charlotte is so adorable! I hope you are healing well from the c-section. It takes time, but it definitely gets better! I will tell you Camden & I made at least two trips a week to Target for the first few months just to get out of the house. Hope all is well!



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