Saturday, June 13, 2009

Week Three

As I sit writing Charlotte has finally gone to sleep next to Jason on the couch. We had a rough night last night. For the second time since she's been home she was crying very loudly for the majority of the night. I feel like her tummy probably didn't feel good since she doesn't do this often but we couldn't do anything to calm her down. Gas drops didn't help and neither did burping her, holding her upright, holding her at all, laying her down, her swing, rocking in the rocker...the list is exhaustive. She finally went to sleep at 4 AM. So, needless to say, we're pretty exhausted. I'm praying that her tummy feels better now and she'll give us a decent night of sleep again tonight but I guess we'll see.

Other than last night we've had a really good week. We started letting her sleep longer at night and she had been doing really good with it. On Friday my parents helped host a party at their home for a special couple that are getting married in a few weeks. So Charlotte and I went over to their house on Friday to help decorate. And then last night we left Charlotte with KayKay and GrandDavid (Jason's parents) so that we could go to the party. I think it went least Kay and David lied to us and just told us it went well if it didn't.

I'll leave you with some of my favorite pictures from this week!

With her bear for her three week picture. I love these cute Twinkle Toes pj's that I got her from Target! Notice that the feet look like ballet slippers!

I love those sweet little fingers!

All dressed up for her first "Birthday Club" experience

Loving the baby in the mirror in her activity gym

Roll Tide! Some of my parents friends gave Charlotte a soft stuffed elephant and an Alabama nightgown. She loves them both!


  1. OK, you've peaked my curiosity...what is your "birthday club?"

  2. She just keeps getting more and more beautiful. Hope everybody gets some rest in tonight!

  3. Thinking about you and hoping you're getting some sleep this week.



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