Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Our Wall Gallery

Back at the beginning of June we had Charlotte's one year portraits taken.  When we were trying to decide what prints we wanted to buy from our session we decided that we would like to do a canvas wall gallery on this wall in our breakfast area/kitchen/keeping room that is really big and blank that we can't come up with something to put on it.  So we worked with Erin to create a gallery that we love.  We wanted something that was asymmetrical in an engineer-like symmetrical way.  We also wanted something that we could change canvases out for future sessions.  This is what we came up with and I have to say that it looks ten thousand times better in person than it does on here.  I think Erin's going to come at some point and take pictures of it for her wall gallery collection so those pictures will be much better, but this was just a few quick shots so that you can see it.

If you are thinking about doing a wall gallery in your home I would definitely recommend that you do it.  Every single person that has walked in our house since it went up immediately goes to it and talks about how beautiful it is.  It helps that Erin is a fantastic photographer but the effect of those huge (the large square is 30"x30") canvases on the wall is wonderful!


  1. YAY! Jason just stopped by to pick up the items for the Miracle Bash and he mentioned the post. So glad he did. It's GORGEOUS! I definitely want to come sometime soon and photograph it!

  2. JENNIFER! I LOVE the wall gallery! The perfect way to fill a blank wall.



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