Thursday, March 4, 2010

Our week

Other than Jason's birthday on Monday our week has been fairly uneventful.

We've spent it pulling hats out of the clean laundry basket and chewing on their tassels...

Crawling around with our empty sippy cup in our mouth...


Reading our books...


Coming to get Mommy...


And sending Memma and Papa G funny messages that go along with these pictures to make their drive home go quicker...

"Why aren't Memma and Papa G taking me with them?? I want to go here!!"

"I'm ready for April!"
Charlotte has been a trooper over the past week as we wait for her upper teeth to come in.  They are so close and so I know that they're hurting her.  Other than whining for orajel once or twice a day and having a little more difficulty going to sleep at night you wouldn't even know that she's teething.  I'm so thankful for that since it's no fun seeing her in pain.

She is also working hard on getting herself seated again from a standing position.  She's been standing by herself after she pulls up on something for a while now but recently has started letting go and free standing for a few seconds and has started learning how to sit down.  We're still on the "stick our bottom out and fall backward" stage but last night she figured out how to go knee first so that's an improvement.  It's going to be interesting to see how quickly she transitions to walking because she's pretty stable on her feet now.

And as of yesterday Charlotte decided that she is definitely too old for two 1 1/2 hour naps during the day.  She only slept for 20 minutes during her morning nap yesterday and about an hour in the afternoon nap.  Today I'm keeping her up longer before putting her down for her morning nap and so far it hasn't affected her at all.  She also didn't sleep longer this morning like I was anticipating due to the lack of naps yesterday either.  She did fine during her awake time with the lack of sleep so I'm thinking we're about to transition to much shorter naps during the day.  That will definitely change the make up of my day since I spend most nap times doing things around the house!  I just put her down for her nap and so far she's still standing/sitting/playing.  We'll see how long it takes her to go to sleep this time!

I also need some of your Mommy advice.  Charlotte is starting to eat more and more table food in addition to her baby food.  But I'm having a hard time coming up with things to give her because I don't want to give her too many new tastes.  I'm trying to stick with bland things or things with no seasoning (i.e. baked potato, cheese cubes, peach slices, pancakes, waffles, etc).  I am giving her some snack type foods like goldfish and yesterday I got her some Nilla Wafers and Graham Crackers that I'm going to try today.  Does anyone have any other food suggestions to try?  So far Charlotte isn't liking real peas or green beans and so veggie wise I'm not sure what else to feed her.  Should I try real corn and different types of beans??  Any advice that you could give me would be great!  I just don't want to feed her too much too fast so I think I'm trending on the slow side instead.  Thanks in advance!


  1. Hey! Just a Mommy tip that I received from my Mom. Babies tend to not digest corn that well, so I avoided giving it to Aidan until he was well over a year. Aidan has never liked peas that much, but we recently got him to try the "sweet peas" that you get in a can and he loves those. He also loves blueberries (I cut them in half). As they aren't in season right now, you can also get them frozen and defrost them!

  2. Love the Masters bib!! My sister lived in Agusta for several years and we got to go several times. I only wish I had kids when we were going so I could have bought some cute stuff!! Have a great weekend.

  3. My best advice is to feed Charlotte a little bit of whatever you are eating! Don't stick with bland foods unless you want a picky eater later! We never hesitated to give Camden any and all foods, spicy or not and he is a terrific eater! He especially loves Mexican and Chinese. I read this advice from a child nutritionist. If I can find the link I will send you the article.



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