Friday, March 5, 2010

Charlotte Lee

Baby girl,

There are so many things that I never want to forget about this precious time with you. So many things that I'm afraid I'm going to forget or that I'll forget to tell you so that you won't know how adorable you were during this time in your life.  Your Daddy and I are just having a ball with you right now.  You are developing so much personality and spunk!  So, in an effort to remind myself or to at least write these things down so that you can read them later here are some of my favorite moments with you right now.

You love to laugh and will start laughing if we are laughing.  I'm not sure if you're laughing at us or just laughing to join in on the joke, but it's a guarantee that if we start laughing you will too.  We need to remember this next time we get pictures taken!

You currently refer to Luca as "da".  We don't know if you're trying to say "dog" or trying to say the "ca" part of his name, but if we say something about Luca you'll usually reply with "da".  It's so adorable.  You love Luca and miss him since he's still in his crate.  Your favorite thing is to crawl over to his crate and climb up on it to try and get to him.  One time you even dropped your sock in his crate as a sort of token of your love!

You hate getting your diaper changed.  Big tears will roll down your face and you will cry hysterically if we don't give you your little purple elephant as soon as you lay down.  If you have your elephant to chew on then you are content (mostly) while we change your diaper.  I'm so glad that the baby elephant fell off of the car seat toy so that you can play with it during diaper changes!

You are starting to get in to books.  Ok, yes you mostly chew on them, but you enjoy turning the pages too.  The other day I got you some new books about Easter and one of them is a board book with the Easter story.  Later that night I was fixing dinner and I heard your Daddy say, "Charlotte, don't eat Jesus!"  You were chewing on that book and it has now become one of the books that you crawl too the most. 

Since earlier in the week we had a naptime setback (you just played for most of your nap instead of slept), yesterday I kept you up later during your morning nap.  But I decided to take you up for your nap when you crawled over to me and kept laying your head down on my leg and then picking it up and looking at me.  It was like you were saying, "Mom, come on! It's naptime!"

We love you very much baby girl! 

love Mommy

1 comment:

  1. Grace goes throug phases where she will cry, too, when we lay her down to have her diaper changed. We can't figure this one out! Glad to know she's not the only one.



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