Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sick of being Sick

I feel like a pretty bad blogger.  I haven't written an actual post about what's going on in our life in a while.  I feel like I got stuck in a blogging rut back in the fall of only posting recap posts of what we had done that now, when we're at home most of the time, I feel like there isn't much to write about.  In reality, life with an 8 1/2 month old is always an adventure but most days nothing really out of the ordinary happens.  I'm excited about doing Kelly's Korner show us your life tour in a few weeks because it's "a day in the life."  That should be fun. 

Anyway, things have been good and bad with us.  Charlotte has had a cold since about Tuesday.  Which, I guess, is only two days ago but it seems like she's been feeling cruddy for years now.  She isn't acting like she feels too miserable, it's just that she pretty much only wants to sit in my lap.  I must have read every book that we own at least 10 times in the past few days and I've resorted to playing Cars on tv in hopes of having something occupy her attention for a little while.  It works for the time being.  She hasn't had a fever at all, just has a stuffy, runny nose and coughs occasionally.  She seems the worst today, congestion wise, that she has so far so I'm hoping we've hit the peak and are about to be on our way down.

When she wakes up though she's happy for an hour or two and during those times we've had a lot of fun.  Charlotte is doing so much these days!  She is a champ at pulling up on anything and everything now.  Last night I was sitting against the recliner and she crawled over to me and started trying to pull up on it.  Jason asked if she had pulled up on it before and I told him, honestly, that she hadn't and that I didn't think she could because the cushion doesn't have an outer seam or anything for her to grab on to.  As soon as I finished saying that she finished successfully pulling herself up on the recliner!  She is making me change what I say she can do every day!

She has gotten so good at standing!  We still have to be right there with her to catch her if she starts to fall, but she is a lot more steady on her feet than she used to be.  Last night I was remembering when we would put pillows around her when she was sitting up in case she fell backwards.  It's hard to believe that in no time at all we won't have to hover around her while she's standing just like we don't worry about her  now when she's sitting!

We are having so much fun with her right now!  She is saying "Mama" really consistently but has stopped saying "Dada" much at all.  I'm tickling her in the picture above...she is super ticklish and loves it when you tickle her.  Dad asked her to give him a high five on Sunday and since then that's been her new trick.  If you put your hand up and ask her to give you a high five nine times out of ten she's going to reach up and hit your hand and then kind of giggle at herself for doing it.  She is also good about giving Jason and I kisses.  If we pucker up and ask her to give us a kiss she will smile and then open her mouth and lean in until she hits our head.  Since she opens her mouth wide she's not allowed to do this with anyone else! :)

We've been getting reading for Valentine's day this week.  She wore her heart pants yesterday and had on her cute heart shirt today until she got food all over it at lunch.  We were so excited about a playdate this afternoon at Caroline's house but we didn't get to go since Charlotte isn't feeling good.  I was really looking forward to getting out of the house and having some adult conversation and I couldn't wait to see Charlotte since this time, as opposed to last, she would have been able to crawl around and play with everyone.  I'm thinking of hosting the next playdate, maybe for Easter?

Mrs. Kelly did go ahead and give Charlotte her goodie bag from playgroup and it included three heart bracelets.  Charlotte has loved those ever since she got them!  She doesn't let them go!  Thanks Kelly!  
Jason and I are hoping that Charlotte feels better tomorrow.  Mostly so that she feels better but also because we have big plans for the weekend.  We have plans to go out to eat tomorrow night and then to dinner and a movie on Saturday!  Hopefully Charlotte will feel good enough to enjoy some time with KayKay and GrandDavid and we can enjoy two date nights for Valentine's!


  1. So Sorry she has been sick....Avery Kate woke up with congestion and a cough this morning and has just wanted to be held all day today. It's so pitiful when they are sick!

  2. I hope AK is feeling better this morning!!



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