Friday, February 26, 2010

Show Us Your Life - What is Your Day Like?

Update: Apparently Kelly's schedule slipped due to adding the show your ministry last week so this is a week early! Sorry! :)

As part of Kelly's Show Us Your Life I'm about to show you what Tuesday of this week (February 23rd) was like at our house.  Prepare to be amused (or bored, whichever!).

Wake up!  You wouldn't know from looking at her sleepy eyes that she had been awake and playing for 20-30 minutes by this time.  Charlotte used to be really good about sleeping until 8 am (I know, we're soooo lucky) but recently has been waking up around 7:30 and dozing and playing until 8.  It's probably because she's getting too much sleep but she gets so sleeping during the day and at night that we can't really put her down later at night or decrease nap times right now.  We're just going to move to a more fluid wake up time when Charlotte decides she wants to get up.

After she eats Charlotte gets her diaper changed.  She's wondering why I'm taking pictures of her!  Silly Mommy!

In her outfit for the day.  She loves grabbing her Very Hungry Catepillar stacking rings!

After getting ready for the day we come downstairs and play until it's time for breakfast.

At 9 Charlotte eats breakfast.  This usually consists of puffs, 1 1/2 mini pancakes (that's what she's eating right now), and fruit baby food.  She gobbles it all up!

Then we play again until it's time for her nap at 10:30.  Sweet Luca hangs out in his crate in the den with us because of his surgery.  We are looking forward to him being able to get out with us during the day.

Charlotte is still wondering why I'm taking all these pictures.  This is when I'm getting her up from her morning nap at noon.

After eating we play again until lunch.  Charlotte was playing in her room while I put away her laundry here.  She's so happy!

At 1 Charlotte eats lunch.  This is her spitting out the piece of pear I was feeding her.  For lunch she gets some puffs, veggie baby food, and fruit baby food.  I am also trying to give her some small amount of table food with each meal also.  I was, obviously, trying pears on Tuesday.  They weren't a hit.

We play after lunch until it's naptime again anywhere from 2:30 to 3 depending on how she's feeling.  This is the time of the day when I get out and run errands if I need to, like the grocery store, etc.  I didn't have any errands on Tuesday so we just stayed home and played.

Here I am getting Charlotte up from her afternoon nap at 4:30.  By this point she was totally over the camera in her face when she got up.  That's ok, the day's almost over at this point.

Around 5ish Jason gets home and Charlotte is always so happy to see him.  Here she is giving him a kiss.

Once Jason gets home he plays with Charlotte while I made dinner.  On Tuesday I made The Pioneer Woman's chicken fried steak and twice baked potatoes.  Yum!  Meals at our house aren't always this involved, trust me!

Charlotte eats her dinner around 6 with roughly the same thing that she had for lunch.  She sits with us at the table and plays in her high chair while we eat dinner.  Hopefully this is a routine that we will be able to continue as she gets older because I love getting to share that time as a family.

After dinner we enjoy time as a family with more playtime.  Charlotte loves playing with all of her toys.  It's nice to just be able to hang out and relax at the end of the day.  This is the time of day when we'll typically give Charlotte a bath.

Like I said, Charlotte was pretty  much over the camera by this point so I didn't get any pictures from bedtime.  We need to start a bedtime routine (you know, bath, books, eat, bed) but have yet to do that.  Most nights Charlotte's exhausted the last 15-30 minutes and we're just trying to keep her happy until it's bedtime at 8.  We do plan on starting to try a routine soon though.

My day isn't too extravagant or flashy but it is really nice.  I thrive in a routine and so I'm so glad that Charlotte was easily adaptable to the Baby Wise ideas that I introduced.  She is, truly, one of the happiest babies that I've ever seen and most days it is a joy to be with her at home every day.  I am so thankful that I get that opportunity.  I am really looking forward to it getting warmer so that we can get out of the house some between naps and go to the park or the pool or just go on a walk.  It will also be a little more exciting when Charlotte drops a nap (please not soon!) and we will have more time to be out of the house to explore.

I  hope you enjoyed seeing my typical day!

And Charlotte, I'm sorry for posting all of these pictures with your adorable bed head.  You probably won't think they're so adorable when you're a teenager, but, believe me, they are!



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