Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ready for the weekend

I'm procrastinating for just a few minutes trying to put off the things around the house I need to do.  Make dinner.  Do laundry.  Vacuum.  All the really fun stuff that comes with being a grown up.  So, I thought I'd blog.  Sounds like the best solution to me!

I was expecting April to be a lot slower than it has been so far.  Our month of March was jam packed with something almost every night.  We didn't have tons scheduled for April so I was expecting to feel loads of pressure lifted and to feel like I had tons of free time.  I was wrong.  I think it was the trip to Tuscaloosa on Sunday that threw me.  I had been planning it for a while but I guess I didn't think about the packing and unpacking and driving that goes into making a trip like that.  I also don't think I figured on how uncomfortable it would get to sleep!

If you ask anyone who has ever lived with me they'll tell you I love my sleep.  (I'm sure Kelly's laughing at me right now as she reads this!)  I have always slept late, late, late any chance I could get.  In college, if I had an early class (and sometimes if I didn't), I was always the one in bed early so that I could get at least 8 hours of sleep in.  I have known since we first started talking about having kids that my days of nice, long sleep were numbered.  So I've tried to take as much advantage of sleeping late as I could.  The problem is I was expecting to have 50 more days of good sleep!  But Charlotte's decided that she likes tap dancing at night.  And gymnastics.  And Tae Bo.  So, good sleep has been hard to come by in the past week which, along with the travel, really brought me down a few steps.  I took a nap yesterday after I got done working I was so tired!  Thankfully, Charlotte calmed down until about 6 this morning so I got a good night of sleep and I feel like a new person.  And for all of you out there laughing at me, I do know that I'm not going to get much sleep at all, much less good sleep once Charlotte gets here.  And I know that I'll do like all new mom's and deal with it.  I'm more than willing to sacrifice my sleep for this little girl!  :)

On a more fun note, I used my lunch break today to start organizing some of Charlotte's outfits and burp cloths and blankets.  I started putting them in size order so that I could really see what she has and what she needs.  It looks like her closet is so full but then I think, "What if she goes through even two onesies in one day?!?!  What will she wear then?!?!"  It's then that I realize that she probably needs more clothes! :)  I'm more than happy to oblige in that area!  Thankfully, my aunt Carrie is letting us use some of her daughter Abby's clothes so that really helps bulk up Charlotte's wardrobe.  But it was fun today to sort through all of those tiny outfits.  The little socks.  The pretty bows.  I'm getting so anxious for Charlotte to arrive!

I guess I need to go get started with dinner but I'll leave with this.  I'm super excited about this weekend!  My company is so nice that they give us the afternoon of Good Friday off.  I have a whole list of errands to run tomorrow so it is nice that I'll get to do them while most of the world is at work.  Hopefully, the stores will be less crowded!  Then we have a party for some of Jason's friends who are getting married on Saturday night.  It should be fun to see all of his high school friends again.  Of course, Sunday is Easter which will be a special day.  And then I get Monday off too so I get to try sleeping late and, hopefully, enjoying some shopping with Kelly and Caroline!  Sounds like the perfect weekend to me!

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