Sunday, April 12, 2009


This morning's service was powerful.  Our church is presenting an Easter play and they did a presentation from the play of when Jesus rose and came to visit the disciples.  Sitting there I couldn't help but thinking about what the disciples must have been thinking.  Jesus had tried to prepare them.  He told them over and over again that the Son of Man was going to be given over to the government and would be tortured and killed.  But he also kept telling them that on the third day the Son of Man would again rise.  Hearing those words I can only imagine the doubt that filled them.  Why would their Lord say that he was going to die?  How would he live again?  What did it mean for them?  

And on that Sunday morning so many year's ago the disciples still didn't understand what Jesus had told them.  They still missed the big picture.  They were focused on Friday afternoon.  On the death.  The beating.  The betrayal.  The hurt.  The agony.  When they should have been focused on the whole story that Jesus told them.  Yes, he would be beaten and killed.  But he would rise again.  And since they had forgotten that part of the story they were shocked when Jesus appeared amidst them.  They worried that the government had stolen his body.  Yes, they eventually believed and worshiped their risen Lord, but they lost some time celebrating Jesus' Resurrection because they couldn't stop focusing on the beginning of the story.

I thought about how often I get like that in my life.  I'm so focused on the hurt.  The betrayal.  The sadness.  That I forget to look to the end of the story.  I forget that Jesus has saved me and all that he has promised me.  So, this morning I was reminded to remember the end of the story.  The part where Jesus says that he will never leave or forsake me.  The part where he conquered death so that I may live.  The part where he comes back to make everything new again.  The part where he keeps his promise.  Because, even if I don't really believe what I'm hearing.  Even if I don't want to accept the fact that he's telling me that something good will happen after the trial.  Even when I'm focused on what has just happened.  Jesus still shows up just like he promised.  

This video was used at the beginning of the service and I thought it was powerful.  I liked how clearly it presents the gospel story.  This is what we believe.  This is what Easter is all about.

I hope you and your family had/are having a great day of fun and fellowship.  I know that I am enjoying the joy and excitement that comes with Easter Sunday.  Because today is all about the resurrection and the overcoming of fear and doubt and death.  Happy Easter! 

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