Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Thanks for those of you who were praying for my glucose test. I passed this morning and so we're very happy about that. Charlotte was kicking a lot due to the increased sugar intake and wasn't a fan of the doppler that they used to get her heartbeat. She kept moving away and kicking at it. She was kicking so much that you could see my stomach moving up and down. Hopefully she won't be camera shy when she's born because she's going to have to learn to love them around here.

On a sad note, please pray for my family. Our dog Lucky that we've had for the last ten years died yesterday in a really awful accident. It has been extremely hard due to the nature of her accident so please pray for us. For those of you who don't have pets you probably won't understand but she was a part of our family and was a great dog. I can't say more now but hopefully I'll be able to write more about her later in the week.


  1. Jennifer- I am so sorry about Lucky. I completely understand how hard it is...our dogs have always been just like a family member. I will pray for your family.

  2. So glad you passed your test, but so sorry about your sweet dog. We have two and they are our "babies." I know you must feel so sad and awful. I am praying for you.



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