So Kelly's topic today is Favorite App's. And since I spent some time earlier this week trying to suggest some to a Mama about to fly cross country by herself with a one year old, I thought favorite kids apps might be helpful.
Apps for Kids
(Mine are 4 and almost 2)
1. Laugh & Learn Animal Sounds for Baby
Both kids loved this app (J(almost 2) still does). It's catchy and easy for them to do themselves when they're small.
2. Peekaboo Barn HD
Another favorite of ours. Charlotte (4) still plays this sometimes and James loves it.
3. Peekaboo Wild
See above.
4. Mickey Mouse Road Rally - couldn't find this exact app but Disney Junior Appisodes has it
The kids love this app because they're watching Mickey but it's interactive so they aren't just mindlessly watching a tv show. I think the Appisodes app has shows from other shows as well as Mickey.
5. Monkey Preschool Lunchbox
I feel like this taught C a lot and James enjoys playing it now (although he needs some help and often just touches things not recognizing what he's doing)
6. BabyPiano HD
This is good for when the kids want to make some noise. There's even a two-person option so that they can both play together.
7. Fish School HD
This is good for letter recognition. C enjoys "cracking" the eggs to get the app started.
8. Bedtime Music
C used this at my parents when she was 2/3 and was having a hard time going to sleep there. I don't think that she uses it anymore.
9. Easy Bake Treats
C loved baking cookies and cupcakes with this app. She hasn't played it in a while but it's great for the 3 year age group.
10. Toddler Jukebox
This one can get annoying because it just plays the typical songs over and over again, but the kids both like it and like singing along.
11. IntroToLetters
This app has been great helping C learn how to correctly write her letters. It's a little difficult for the younger ones who don't have a lot of motor control but is good practice.
12. 123 Color HD
This color app has kept C busy many a day. It's easy enough that they can do it themselves at 2, but complicated enough that she's still enjoying it at 4.
13. Disney Palace Pets
This is a new addition (along with some other Disney app's) that we haven't had for very long, but C loves hearing the stories and "playing" with the pets and James likes seeing the dogs.
My real, every day home screen
(i.e. the app's I use all the time)
1. Baby Monitor
This is the monitor that we use for the kids when they're sleeping. You can read more about our monitors here.
2. Twitter
This one's pretty obvious. But you can follow me here.
3. Mail
4. Bloglovin'
I switched to Bloglovin' after the end of Google Reader and like it pretty well. You can follow my blog here.
5. Pinterest
Again, obvious. I check this probably twice a day. I like the app a lot. You can follow me here.
6. Kindle
I don't think I could survive without my Kindle app. As I said on Twitter last night, I think I am addicted to free eBooks.
7. Nook
Ditto to above.
8. Facebook
Again, self explanatory. But my page is here.
9. Instagram
I love the way photo's look through Instagram. I've got to make an instagram book! Follow me here.
10. Anylist
We (sometimes) keep our grocery list with this app. Jason and I log in on the same one so that we can both access it. It's nice but we still use paper lists sometimes, we haven't fully transitioned over to digital yet.
11. ICE - looks like the version I have is not available anymore, but you should definitely download an In Case of Emergency app
12. NuVo Player
This is what we use to control our sound in our house. I really like it. C really likes the "princess music" station that I made her on Pandora (i.e. a station from "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid).
13. Etsy
I check my shop stats and shop using this app. You can check out my store here.
1. Paper
I love doodling with this app. I get some initial ideas for my shop while I do this. Plus the kids can play with it too.
2. Paper
I haven't played with this much yet but some serious designers that I follow really like it.
3. Facebook Pages
This is how I monitor my facebook page when I'm not at my computer.
4. Amazon Instant Video
Did you know that Amazon has tons of shows and movies that you can watch for free if you're a Prime member? We haven't taken advantage of it yet but are planning to!
5. Radarscope
With a weather lover as a husband I, of course, have multiple weather apps. This one is my favorite though.
6. Snapseed
This is fun to play with editing pictures on the iPad. I'm not a fan of the iPad instagram version.
7. Bamboo Paper
Another great drawing app. This was the first one that I downloaded and I really like it.
Hope these helped you! Can't wait to see other's on Kelly's link up!
Love the kid apps! I need to download more of them! Thanks :)