Monday, June 20, 2011


I wanted to sign C up for a gym class this summer but was pretty sure that I wouldn't be able to sit through a parent child class throughout the summer.  So when a friend told me about a place in town that offers a class for 2 and 3 years old without their parents I was so excited to sign C up!

Her first class was the Monday after Memorial Day and it was pretty much a disaster which is putting it nicely.  The long story is that she was put in a class full of kids that were about to turn 4 with a teacher that is suited for those age kids that have been taking gym for two years but not for someone who just turned two and is just starting out.  This meant that she didn't even introduce herself to the kids and took them into the big gym as opposed to the little gym that was made for the 2/3 class and C cried and wouldn't go by herself and pretty much refused to participate.  (Honestly, I didn't blame her! The teacher scared and intimidated me too!)  Thankfully, the desk staff was very helpful and switched us into a class with some other two year  olds that we went to last week.

This class was night and day from the other and was a HUGE success!  All morning we had talked about C going into the gym "all by self" and that Mommy was going to stay "behind glass" and watch so when the time came for her to follow her teacher in she walked in and didn't look back!  At the beginning of class she really just watched what the other kids were doing (stretches/back bends/etc) but sat right there with them and paid attention.  She followed the instructions and went from activity to activity and started to participate once she got a little comfortable with the class.

It was a great experience and she is still talking about it and can't wait to go back today!
Waiting to go in...

So excited!

Working on the rings!

Learning the gym's way to walk to different stations

Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! She LOVED the trampoline!

Once she learned to hang on and not let go she loved swinging from a tall mat and then dropping into a pit!

A sucker for all of her hard work!

The only downside is that class is an hour which, for her, is super long and she started to wilt between and 30 and 45 minutes in.  But she pushed through and never got upset which I was very proud of her for.  Even when another little girl kept coming to the door for her Mommy, C didn't do anything other than look at me occasionally to see if I was still there.

She is going to learn so much from this class -- independence, beginning gymnastics moves, more coordination -- and I am so excited to see how much she improves and changes over the course of the summer!

In case you want to watch some of C in's a little iPhone video for you!
Charlotte at Gymnastics from Talesofa Peanut on Vimeo.

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