Thursday, April 14, 2011


I love all the sweet and funny things that Charlotte is saying now so I want to write some of them down so that I can remember them.

After I sing to her at night and am walking to put her in her crib:
(points to video monitor)
Mommy: Mommy and Daddy are watching you.
C: Mommy home.  Daddy home.  Charlotte home.  Ev-body home.
In the morning:
C: (pointing to monitor) Watch you.
Mommy: Yes, Mommy and Daddy were watching you.

During the day when she thinks about Daddy:
C: Daddy.  Right now.  Work.

Anytime Luca is in his room with his gate up, including when we leave the house:
C: "Tie Out Yuca" (Time Out Luca)

Anytime she feels anything on her skin:
C: (insert body part like finger, arm, leg) Itch.  Kiss it Mommy.

After our trip to Tuscaloosa last week when we get in the car and she's bored she says:
C: Watch (Mickey, Jesus, Elmo) tv.

When she's in a good mood and playing with her animals:
C: Puppy dog says Woof Woof!
C: Kitty cat says Meow Meow!

When we go upstairs to change her diaper and she's really hyper:
C: (running around in circles on the floor of her room) Cirk-yuls! Cirk-yuls!

When we see flowers/purple trees while we're out on a walk/in the car/etc:
C: (insert color) Flow-us!
C: Puh-pul tees!

When C's music is on and Jason and I start to sing:
C: No sing Mommy/Daddy!

When we get home and she see's Luca in his room:
C: Hey buddy!
(She also refers to Luca as "Bud" sometimes.  We sometimes refer to him as these terms and she's picked them up.)

When she asks for something (walk, watch Mickey, etc):
Mommy: We'll do _____ later.
C: (while nodding) Daddy home.

When going up or down stairs while she holds an animal:
C: Careful Priss/Sandy/etc.

When her pj pants start coming down:
C: Pants fall down.

In the morning she's started laying down and giggling and saying:
C: Tick-yul Mommy! (Tickle me Mommy!)

When I tell her I'm going to put something away or going to run an errand she very seriously looks at me and says:
C: Right back Mommy.

Cute words:
"Scuse me" (Excuse me)
"Pay-room" (Playroom)
"An-mils" (Animals)
"Yuca" (Luca)
"Pret-zils" (Pretzels)
"New side" (New Slide)
"Waggnon" (Wagon)
"Yunch" (Lunch)
*It's so funny that she can correctly say her L's inside of words but when they're the leading letter they come out like a "Y"
"Ea-see Eggs" (Easter Eggs)
"Hot Dog Hot Diggy Dog" (Hot Dog Dance from MM Clubhouse)
"Aaaaah-gator" (Alligator - song from school)
"T-town!" (Tuscaloosa)
"Mac Mac Cheese"
"Fin-ner" (Finger)

1 comment:

  1. To this day, one of my favorite things to do is look through my baby book and read all of the funny things I used to say. I know Charlotte will love it, too!!



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