Friday, February 4, 2011

The Napping House

"There was a house, a napping house, where everyone was sleeping...." - The Napping House, Don and Audrey Wood

So keeping the secret of this pregnancy has been extremely hard.  Like I mentioned yesterday, for someone who is used to thinking in tweets and not really filtering a lot of what she tweets it has been extremely hard to restrain from tweeting some of the really funny things I've thought or had happen in the last four weeks since we found out.  So in order to get all of that out of my system here is what you need to know about this baby.

Due Date
We're officially due on September 10, 2011.  But since Charlotte was breech necissating a c-section we'll be having a scheduled c-section.  No date has been set yet but the ability to (hopefully!) pick a date is something that this OCD, planner, type-A personality really loves!

Fake Name
If you were around when we found out we were pregnant with Charlotte you'll know that until we found out if she was a boy or a girl we called her "Mo".  The rest of the family wanted to call her "Cosmo" (i.e. Cramer) but I refused so I dictated that it would be Mo.  The family has been calling our next child "Maximus" since Charlotte was approximately two months old, but, again, I refused and have thus dictated that this baby will be called "Max" until we find out his/her gender.  I actually really like the name Max, but Maximus would be quite a burden for a developing baby! :)  The Maximus name comes from these kids that we saw or heard about that had these really ridiculously long names.  Something like Rudolpho or something equally crazy.  Names that might sound ok on a 40 year old man but on a 3 year old little boy it just seemed silly not to shorten it.  So, ever since then my parents have taken to calling the next child Maximus and thus we have settled on Max until the gender is revealed. 

This Pregnancy vs Last Pregnancy
I always thought that I would know as soon as I got pregnant again because I figured it would be exactly like last time.  Moms of more than one child, please stop laughing, I just didn't know!  This pregnancy has been absolutely nothing like last time except for the fact that I am, in fact, pregnant.  Whereas with Charlotte I got nauseaus but never actually got sick, not so with this child and I had to call and request my Zofran prescription before I could even get to my first appointment where they usually give you the prescription.  With Charlotte I started getting up in the middle of the night to go to the restroom almost a week before I was able to take a pregnancy test, with this baby that didn't start until days after I had taken a test and thus I thought I wasn't pregnant when I actually was.  With Charlotte I basically subsisted on sour gummy worms during my first trimester.  Ever since then the thought of them has made me want to get sick and it still does.  This time I'm all about meat (hamburgers, chicken, etc) and eating more salty than sweet things.  And the biggest difference, I'm pretty sure that I'm already showing whereas with Charlotte I could have gotten away with wearing normal pants well past my first trimester!! :)  They are correct when they say that the second shows a lot quicker!  I'm just praying that since I'm chasing a 20 month old around this time that my weight gain won't ramp up this time also!

Blog Slacking
Did you notice that I barely posted the last half of January?  It's because almost every day when Charlotte would take a nap I would too.  I remember taking a few naps on my lunch break last time but we're talking daily hour to hour and a half naps here!  And Charlotte's naptime was really my only chance to blog so when I started using that time to take a nap and take a shower so I could sleep later in the morning my blogging time went away.  Hopefully as I get farther along my energy will slowly return and I won't be as sporadic with my posts! But until then....I'm pretty sure that naptime for all will continue! :)

First Appointment
We had our first appointment yesterday morning at 7:30.  For someone who has been having a hard time getting out of bed before Charlotte does in the morning it was actually easy to get up because I was so excited.  Jason and I discussed before we got there how excited we were to see this little one's heartbeat and confirm that everything was on track!  We even (sort of) knew what to look for and were both able to spot Max's beating heart before the ultrasound tech could point it out!  That moment is nothing short of miraculous!  Max's heartbeat was 161 which, if I remember correctly, was about what C's was at her first appointment but I'm too tired to go look it up in her little memory book and it's not on the blog (bad blogger!).  We are really excited to meet this little guy/girl, although, if we're honest with these cravings and the differences in the pregnancy we're pretty convinced it's a boy!

Telling Jason
With Charlotte we had been trying to have a baby for so long that Jason was right there watching to see if the test would turn positive or not.  So I never got to have my Full House moment where I surprised him with the news.  (Please tell me you remember that episode where Rebecca told Jesse they were pregnant -- or tried to! -- with all the baby foods?!?! Classic!)  This time I figured I wasn't pregnant since I hadn't had any of the symptoms that I had with Charlotte other than extreme fatigue but we had just gotten back from a trip to Orlando, only a maniac wouldn't have been tired! But I wanted to take a test just to make sure so I did in the middle of the day never expecting it to be positive but... it was!  I was so excited and doubly excited since I got to tell Jason!  I didn't go all out like Full House but I did make a little sign and send Charlotte down the hall to give it to Jason when he got home.  It was a fun little memory that we'll always have!

Overall, we are all so excited! Our families are really excited to be getting another baby and we couldn't be happier.  We've got a lot to do before now and then like move Charlotte to a big girl room and potty train her but we are looking forward to bringing another little one into our family!  Thank you so much to everyone who so sweetly congratulated us on all the various social media platforms, it means so much to be able to share such exciting news with people that are so special to us!


  1. new babies always bring joy :)

  2. Since you and I both share the ODC gene, I thought I would share with you about the gender test that is now available in drug stores. I saw it at a CVS and it's about $40. When I was pregnant with William you could only purchase it online. It was more of a test just to see if it works. I didn't really trust it so I didn't purchase anything until after we had the ultrasound. However, the test was accurate for us. It was just sort of fun and did help me have an idea of what color items I should focus on a little more. :)

  3. Loving the new little countdown on the sidebar :) Yay for Max!!



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