Thursday, September 16, 2010

Our Must Have Items for 15 months

I did a post last fall about our must-have items for Charlotte at that age.  I realized recently that I haven't done another one and thought I'd like to remember what I really loved at this stage.  This is a really great stage because C is old enough to communicate and get around on her own but not quite to the rebellious stage yet.  I'm sure that's coming soon!  But for right now it's wonderful and these products make life so much easier!

As a disclaimer some of these items are in my Amazon cart on the sidebar.  I would get a percentage of that if you were to buy from that link but nothing gets put into that cart/sidebar item that I don't personally use. I just think it's a neat way to share my favorite products with others.

- Table Toppers - I love these disposable table toppers.  I buy them at the grocery store and any kind would be great but it's so nice to be able to pull the table topper and all the mess up and leave it at the table instead of having to take it home and clean it.  Not the most eco-friendly but these are biodegradable.  It also makes me feel better that C can't get to the yucky table (I wet wipe around the table topper) and it doubles as a plate so that C doesn't throw a plate on the floor of the restaurant.
- Sippy Cup Holder - now that C is using a sippy cup all the time and can hold it by herself this sippy holder has saved our lives.  It velcro's onto anything and adjusts for any cup.  They also sell paci holder's if your child is using a paci.
- Cup Labels - These grippers are dishwasher and microwave safe and will go on any cup that I've tried it on.  They're easy to label your child's cups and you never have to take them off!
- Straw Sippy Cups - these Playtex Insulated cups are my favorite.  Straw sippy's allow C to hold the cup by herself and drink and the insulated cups keep her milk cold for a long time!
- DVD Player/Elmo dvd's/Praise Baby dvd's - We could not travel to Tuscaloosa without a dvd player and these dvd's.  They keep C happy and entertained which makes us happy!  C also likes these dvd's at home!
- Stuffed Animals - I didn't know that eventually Charlotte would love all of the stuffed animals that she has but she does.  Her favorites (aside from her Elmo's which are a constant favorite) rotate day by day but she loves her bears and lamb probably the best.
- Nighttime Diapers - This isn't a super fun item but we couldn't live without them.  C's diapers started leaking at night a few months ago and when we switched to nighttime diapers it immediately quit.  Much better than having to change the sheets each day!
- Stickers/Crayons/Coloring Table - Charlotte loves stickers and crayons and having a dedicated coloring table is wonderful.  It's short and while C still can't get in the chairs by herself I feel much better with her sitting on the shorter chairs.  It's also nice to let her color and not worry about her messing up the kitchen table or something else!
- Toy cabinets that she can open - One of our best decisions was when we moved her toys into the built in cabinets in the den.  Baskets or buckets would be helpful also but I love that I can close these and the mess is not visible.  Charlotte loves opening them and getting her toys out and it's easy to just throw everything back in them to clean up.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely need to come back and re-read this with a list in hand!!! I haven't even tried stickers or coloring with AK but I am thinking I will now!



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