Friday, August 13, 2010

Master Bedroom Redo - Before

When we moved into this house last August the entire house was the same shade of green.  Every wall was this army/khaki green color and every ceiling was a lighter hue of the same color.  And while this color is nice (I'm sure) in a room or two by itself, it gets pretty overpowering living in a house that is entirely made up of the same color.  We quickly painted Charlotte's room pink as soon as we moved in and we painted the kitchen/keeping room, den, and study shades of tan/caramel last fall.  Our bedroom was the next room that we planned to tackle and time finally rolled around in March.

If you're anything like us you can guess that our room was a hodge-podge of leftover furniture hand-me-downs from when we were growing up.  We had bought a decent bed when we bought our first house but everything else was just extras that we had replaced in other parts of the house.  Our room, with its green walls and leftover and mismatched furniture, was not exactly the room of peace and relaxation that I envisioned. 

Master Bedroom in our first home

So in March we finally set about to change that but I was really overwhelmed with how to "fix" it.  Our room at the old house had chocolate walls and blue bedding.  I love chocolate and blue (those were our wedding colors also) but I was thinking I might be tired of that color scheme and want to shake it up a little but without going really different.  I was stuck and the thought of picking out paint colors scared me to death. 

I looked online for some designers who do "virtual" designs.  A lot of the ones I found were either way more than what I wanted to spend or they had a waiting time of months before you could get an idea of what they were going to produce for you.  So I thought about it and I asked my friend Laura McFee who is a designer in Montgomery and a fellow Alpha Chi sister (Laura was actually the rush chair who pledged me so she has a VERY special place in my heart!).  So I emailed her out of the blue and asked her if she could look at some pictures and dimensions of our current bedroom and put together a plan for me.  She was excited to do it and said it would be a nice little side job for her.

So I sent her the dimensions, some of the following pictures, and a laundry list of wants and ideas.  I'm sure she second guessed taking this on once she saw everything I sent but she was a trooper and gave me exactly what I was wanting!  More on that later but here are the before pictures of our room.  And just so you know, it hurts to show you these pictures right now.  I can't believe we lived with it like this for so long! But in our defense these pictures were taken at night with the shutters closed whereas the "after" pictures that you'll see soon were seen in the morning with the shutters open.

The plans for the re-do coming soon!

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