Saturday, December 12, 2009

Jump! Jump! Jump!

Charlotte is quite the jumper!  She absolutely loves getting in her jumper, jumping up and down, and playing with her toys!  She has a book on her jumper that she loves flipping the pages of and she especially loves her veggies that are attached with strings!

Charlotte also adores her brother, Luca!  When he comes in the room her face lights up and she squeal in delight!  He's a little afraid to get very close to her jumper because he'll be sniffing her feet or legs and she will start jumping up and down hitting him in the head!

This smile just melts my heart! Even if it is for Luca!
This is such a fun age!


  1. We just started Caleb in his jumparoo this week! He loves it as well. He bounces back and forth more than jumping, but he is getting the hang of it!

  2. We JUST got Avery Kate's jumper out this morning and she loved it, too!! It's so cute to watch them jump!!

  3. I hope Caleb and Avery Kate love their jumpers! It's so much fun watching Charlotte with hers!



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