Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Half Birthday Charlotte!

This post is a day late possibly because I'm in denial that we are parents of a six month old.  When did my little baby become a little girl with a personality, likes, and dislikes all her own?!?!?  I'm in disbelief that in the same amount of time that Charlotte has been with us she will turn one!  Here's my summary of Charlotte at six months!


Your Daddy and I keep saying that this month you have become a little person.  You are quite a mover now!  We can't leave you even on the floor for a second because when we come back you will have rolled to the other side of the room!  And what a personality!?!?  You definitely tell us when you are happy and when you are upset.  We love watching you become the little girl that you are going to be! 

This month you stayed for a whole football game!  We've taken you to lots of games before but at the LSU game you were so happy that we stayed until the game was over.  You even cheered through your first Rammer Jammer!  Everyone at the game's loves you and loves seeing you almost every week.  You are a great Alabama football fan already!

You also started making some fun sounds this month!  You can now click your tongue and blow through your lips to make a fun sound!  You also started "coughing" and laughing at yourself when you do it.  You'll do anything for attention and a smile!  We had a big first yesterday, on your six month birthday, when you said your first word!  I am so thankful that it was "Mama"! 

You Trick or Treated for the first time with your friend Caroline this month!  You were the cutest Strawberry that I've ever seen!  An Alpha Girl girl at heart already!

Since you  have become such a wiggle worm you started flipping over on your changing pad.  We had to come up with something so we have a special toy that you only get to play with when you are getting your diaper changed.  It's a baby elephant and you love playing with him!  You are so happy when you have your elephant to chew on and you are getting your diaper changed!

You've grown a lot this month.  We're estimating that you weigh about 15 pounds now but we'll know for sure next week when we go for your six month appointment.  Since you've gotten so big we've stopped swaddling you at night.  You move so much at night that you were coming out of your swaddle pretty consistently anyway so now we don't even try.  We were also able to take the pillow out from under your jumper because your feet can fully reach the floor now!  You love jumping and as soon as we put you in your jumper you start bouncing up and down as fast as your little legs will take you!

Part of you getting bigger is that you can now sit up by yourself!  You still sometimes fall over when you reach for things that tip your center of gravity but you are getting better and better each day!  Yesterday you even pushed up on your arms and knees for a few seconds!  It won't be long before you're crawling all over the place!  Another big thing that you've started doing this month is reaching across your body (whether you're on your tummy or sitting up) for toys that you want.  This is an important milestone because it means that your hand/eye/brain coordination has really improved!

This has been a big eating month for you.  We took you to eating three meals of cereal a day around the second week in November.  You LOVE your cereal!  Well, as long as we're just feeding you the whole wheat kind, oatmeal, or oatmeal and banana, you aren't a fan of rice cereal.  We started baby food with green peas on your six month birthday, but as shown in the picture you aren't a fan yet! 

You are still nursing five times a day right now.  You take a two hour nap in the morning and then two one hour naps in the afternoon.  We tried taking you to only eating four times a day last week and you had no problems with only eating four times a day but that put you taking a long nap in the morning and another long nap in the afternoon that left you awake for four and a half hours in the evening and you just weren't ready to stay awake for that long so you would take a third nap right before bed which was messing with your night time sleep and your naps the next day.  So after a few days we went back to the old schedule and we'll stick here for another month at least. 

You are still in size 2 diapers although I'm wondering if we should switch to size 3's because you are having leaky diapers almost daily now.  The size 2's seem to fit fine except when you are in your jumper.  I don't anticipate switching yet but we'll see.  You are wearing 6 month outfits and 6-9 month onesies.  In the past few days I've noticed that you've finally outgrown your 3 month pants and your 6 month pants are the right length now.  This is huge because up until now 6 month pants were inches too long!  You've grown!

You are such a delight and your Daddy and I feel so blessed to have you!  You are a great sleeper and such a happy baby.  The only times that you fuss are when you're sleepy and we aren't putting you down for your nap and when you don't feel good (sadly you are getting a cold right now and feel kind of cruddy).  We love everything about you and can't wait to see what you start doing in this next month!

We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer,
    Isn't it amazing how fast they grow? It is the most wonderful thing watching their little personalities emerge! It only gets better!
    If Charlotte is having leaking diapers, I would definitely go up to the next size. We sing counting songs to Camden on the changing table (one, two, buckle my shoe...). We give him toys to play with too, but the counting really keeps him from flipping over.
    Camden was never a big fan of peas & Brad refused to feed him anything green. We started more with the fruits. Try bananas. That has always been Camden's favorite. Squash was a good one too. Good luck with the first foods!
    Love your new Christmas look on your blog!



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