Monday, September 21, 2009

Holiday Slim Down Week 8 Weigh In

In case you've just joined recently I'm participating in Natalie's Holiday Slim Down. The goal is to lose 15 pounds in 15 weeks. Natalie had a little boy the same day that I had Charlotte so we're in the same boat of trying to lose the baby weight and trying to get back into pre-baby clothes before the holiday season. This week is the Week 8 weigh in and so far I'm down 6 pounds total. Not quite one pound a week but still a pretty good loss if you ask me.

I weighed this morning and was still sitting at the same weight. To me this was an achievement because football season has started and with it comes lots of snacking over the weekend. I tried to limit my snacking this weekend which helped but still, I'm glad that I haven't back tracked. I think it helped this week that I started Jillian's 30 Day Shred last week. I did the workout Tuesday through Friday last week and am planning on continuing it this afternoon. I'm also thinking that I might have lost some fat but the increase in muscle mass from those workouts might have offset them.

Anyway, regardless of the numbers I'm feeling really good. I can pretty much wear all of my pre-pregnancy pants even though a few are still a little tight in the waist. I'm pretty close to my pre-pregnancy weight but I still feel pretty far from my pre-pregnancy shape. But I guess that's where the 30 day shred is going to help a lot. Overall, I'm feeling a lot healthier due to the choices I'm making (no carbonation or caffeine, occasional spurts of no sweets, exercising) and that is really important! Here's to keeping it up!

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