Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ben and Christen's Wedding

Last night our friends Ben and Christen got married in a beautiful ceremony. We took Charlotte at Christen's insistence but I was too nervous to let her stay through the ceremony so Jason took her out right before it started. I could just imagine her crying or something during the vows. Christen was always nice enough to say that it wouldn't matter but it would matter to me so I sent them out. :) It was a beautiful ceremony and I'm sure that God will bless their marriage. I absolutely loved the song that was sung while they lit the unity candle. It was called "This Kind of Love" and I'm about to go find it on iTunes because I loved it!
After the ceremony there was a super fun reception at a local farm with a beautiful tent with chandeliers and lots of flowers. It was gorgeous! And thankfully the weather couldn't have been better! It was actually cool when the wind blew which was totally unexpected for a wedding in the south in August. Charlotte was a little overwhelmed with all of the people and music but she behaved great and we got to show her off to all of our friends. She finally crashed in Mom's arms! We left a little early because she started getting fussy, but it was a beautiful reception. Christen, could you give me the name of the song that y'all danced your first dance to? It was great too! And the Father/Daughter dance was so sweet! It was a song called, I think, "Daddy's Angel".
We are so excited for you Ben and Christen! We hope you have a fantastic honeymoon and enjoy married life! Congratulations!

1 comment:

  1. What a cute couple...and oh my goodness, I love the Daddy's Angel song!



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