Friday, July 24, 2009


Charlotte has been a little fussy since her shots but tonight she started hamming it up for the camera in her swing. Sadly, some of the best pictures have her out of focus and the zebra and giraffe at the front of the swing in focus. But these are still cute!

In bigger news, I'm about to feel like Jon and Kate Plus 8 only in a stable marriage, without 8 kids, and without a tv show when I say 1....2....3....we're moving! Jason and I have found a new house that we love and we are moving in a few weeks. So my posts (which have been few and far between since Charlotte's birth) will be pretty brief over the next few weeks. We have also decided to start a new blog to protect Charlotte's privacy. We would love for our readers to be able to continue following us once we make the move, so once I get everything set up I'll let you know so that you can send me your email information so that I can send you the new address. Just wanted to give you a heads up!

In the meantime, enjoy these pictures and enjoy your weekend! Think of us...we'll be packing all weekend!


  1. She's just like the onesie says....too cute.

    Please add me to the list of readers for the upcoming private blog!

  2. Hey! I want to read the private blog too! I love reading about your adventures when I get a chance.



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