I don't want to take a picture of Sleeping Beauty because then she might no longer be sleeping but let me assure you that Charlotte is precious when she sleeps! Which is most of the time...except on occasion at night. She is a great sleeper during the day and most night's she sleeps pretty well also. We've had a few nights recently that haven't been so much fun but I guess you adjust to the lack of continuous sleep and learn to live on whatever sleep you can get.
I did notice this morning that she's been more awake and alert after her feedings. I'm really excited because I'm guessing that this means that she's finally getting over her newborn slumber and will start being awake more during the day and we can interact more.
We've spent the past day and a half at home by ourselves and it's been a nice change of pace. Not to imply that I haven't appreciated the help. I definitely couldn't have survived that first week without Jason at home and my Mom coming over during the day. There's just something about having surgery that puts me back into a little girl state where all I want is my Mom there to take care of me. And take care of me she did! She mentioned one day that she hadn't even held Charlotte in two days and she had been at our house all day each day! Talk about sacrifice! :) Thank you Mom for helping me out! I can only hope that one day I am as good of a mom to Charlotte as you are to me!
We are looking forward to having Jason's parents over again tomorrow night. We had forgotten when we invited them that it was their anniversary so hopefully they don't mind spending their special day with us! It is a big week for marriages in our family since both of our parents are celebrating anniversaries in the next two days. We are so blessed to have parents that are committed in their relationships to serve as such positive examples for us. (We also are blessed to have four sets of grandparents who are setting the same example but they aren't celebrating an anniversary this week!)
Ok, time to wake Sleeping Beauty up to feed again!
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