I can't believe that you are one month old! You have grown so much from the day one month ago when we first met you. Your Daddy and I have loved watching you change over the past month. You are a constant reminder to us of the goodness of God's love and the blessings that he has given us. We have gotten a little overwhelmed sometimes over the past month trying to learn how to be parents but you're sweet face and pleasant attitude always help us find our way. We are praying God's blessings over you little girl. You are such a joy to us and to the rest of your family and friends! We constantly hear amazement from other people at how happy and content you are and they're right! As long as I haven't eaten something that you don't agree with you are one of the happiest babies I've ever seen. You rarely cry and when you do start crying you stop almost immediately when one of us picks you up (again, not when your tummy hurts but the rest of the time it's true). You are a great sleeper also! We have only had a handful of nights with you in the past month where you were up most of the night. Most of the time you will sleep until it's time to eat. I think the longest you have gone between feedings is a few nights of five hours. Most of the time though you are at four hours between feedings during the night which helps me feel so much better! You are mostly a great eater and I love the special times that we get to spend together when I'm feeding you.
We tried measuring you ourselves this weekend and we came up with 21 1/2 inches in height and 8 pounds in weight. I'm sure that's a little off but since you don't go back to the doctor for another month that will have to tide us over. But that means you are growing little girl! Another inch in height in two weeks and half a pound in weight! You have outgrown the newborn onesies that Memma had to run out and buy for you when we brought you home because we didn't have anything small enough to fit you. You can still wear a few big newborn onesies and can wear small 0-3 month clothes but your outfits are limited until you get a little bigger! I don't think you mind but I think it's torturous to have to put you in the same outfit every few days! :) You are in size one diapers and have been for about a week now. They are starting to fit but are still a little roomy since you are on the low end of the weight for them.
Here are some of my favorite pictures from the past four weeks that show off some of your new tricks.
You still love to put your arms up by your head. You had them like that in your 4D ultrasound and that hasn't changed. You use your right hand to pull your hair and it's so funny! It doesn't seem to bother you even when you are pulling it straight out but your Daddy and I get a kick out of it. You always like to use your hands to take your passy out of your mouth! We aren't so thrilled about this trick because you usually start crying when you loose your passy. But it is cute to see you waving the passy around!
You are the most relaxed sleeper! You love sleeping on Daddy when he gets home from work and it usually involves you throwing both of your arms out as far as they'll go! That, of course, is just for naps. We still swaddle you so you are super snug in order for you to sleep at night. If you're not swaddled you make all kinds of funny noises as you move around in your pack and play.
We feel so blessed to be your parents Charlotte! You are a great little girl and we can't wait to see what the next month, year, and lifetime bring for you! Happy Birthday!
She is just SO cute!!! We are having similar tummy issues with Avery Kate....I am trying to figure out what I am eating that is hurting her little belly! Unfortunately, I think it might be cheese, which is in everything I love!!
ReplyDeleteIt does not seem possible that she is already a month old!
ReplyDeleteWhat a doll!
Enjoy every moment.