On Wednesday my Mom picked Luca up from camp for us where he's been since last Thursday. Luca loves camp because there he gets to swim in a baby pool and gets lots of attention during the day. But I know that he was excited to get home. How do I know? Well he woke me up by jumping on our bed and licking my face! It took him a little while to notice Charlotte but that was mostly because Jason was under strict instructions to take him and give him a bath as soon as he got into the house. Once he got finished with his bath we put Charlotte in her Boppy and let Luca sniff all over her so that he would become familiar with her. Here's a picture of that fateful meeting!
The other night we gave Charlotte her first sponge bath. Since her cord hasn't fallen off yet we couldn't give her a full bath but we wanted to wash her. She didn't really cry until we took too long with the bath. She was so cute because we have a sling for the bath that is mesh. But she's too little to stay upright on the sling so she eventually slides down where she's horizontal in sling! Here we are after her bath.
And here she is in her precious lamb hooded towel that Kelly's grandmother, Gomi, gave Charlotte.
Today we had an area photographer come to our house and take Charlotte's newborn photos. We had a good time and I can't wait to see the pictures! Erin said that she hoped to have a "sneak peek" on her blog by Sunday and told me that I could put those pictures on my blog so I'll definitely share once they are out!
I'm about to go and get ready because Charlotte and Caroline are having their first play date tonight! Kelly and Tripp are bringing us dinner and staying to enjoy it with us and we are so excited! We are so blessed to have so many great friends that have been bringing us yummy dinners since we got home. Thank you so much if you've brought us food or are bringing it in the coming days! It is so nice to not have to worry about finding something to eat for dinner right now and everything has brought such wonderful meals!
OH!!She is SO CUTE and you look great! So glad her bili levels are on the way up!!! God is good....