Saturday, April 18, 2009

Super Saturday!

What a fun Saturday! I've been waiting for today for a long time because it's the day that my friends Kelly, Jenni, and Leigh are throwing Charlotte her baby shower for our family and friends! I know that they have been working really hard to get everything ready and I sooooo appreciate all of their hard work.  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!  I'll post pictures once I get a chance to upload them...probably tomorrow.

Today is also our A-Day game.  The first game (sort of) of the 2009 season.  Ok, so yes, we're playing ourselves and so we can't lose but that's what makes it so much fun!  We're guaranteed a win!  Jason and I were talking last night about how most people don't "get" why A-Day is so much fun.  I admit, I didn't really get it either, especially when we were in our down years.  But now that I'm older and able to get in to strategy and coaching and now that we're all really excited about Alabama football again I understand why the game is such a big deal.  This year we are trying to determine who our new quarterback will be also (even though Greg's play during practice has pretty much sealed up the job for him) which makes it fun.  Jason put up our "game day" flag (the home flag, not the away flag -- he's cheering for the A team) and is ready to watch the game on ESPN with Tripp and Caroline while I enjoy a very nice baby shower. :)

And then tonight we have another party in my hometown for a couple that's getting married.  I'm hoping that I have enough energy to go and have fun at the party after all of the excitement earlier in the day.  The party is at a location on the river so it looks like it's going to be a perfect day for that kind of party.

I hope your Saturday is as much fun as it looks like ours is going to be!  Also, Stephanie and Travis had their little girl yesterday and she is just precious.  Go over and congratulate them on Ava Page's arrival! I know that she'd appreciate it.  I can't believe that Ava is here because all through our pregnancy it's seemed like they were due just a few short weeks before us.  It seems like the days and weeks leading up to Charlotte's arrival are passing by much quicker now!!


  1. I totally know what you that Ava is here I am like "We are next!!!!" WHOA!
    Hope you enjoy your shower today! And I will say a prayer that you feel good and have energy for the party tonight. The last week or so I have hit about 4:00 p.m. and just been WIPED OUT. Just dead! Our little girls are taking a lot of energy to carry around these days!!! Can't wait to see some shower pics!



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