Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Stellan Update

Just to give those of you not checking up on Stellan an update he is being flown to Boston today to have his care overtaken by a specialist there with the very real possibility of having an ablation performed on his heart next Tuesday.  This is a drastic change because the doctor's were talking as late as yesterday about sending Stellan home on a heart monitor with oral drugs to regulate his SVT for at least another four weeks to give his heart time to grow.  Apparently, an ablation is an extremely dangerous procedure on one so tiny (he's only five months old) and they were hoping to give his body time to grow before having to perform the surgery.  There's still a chance that the surgery will be postponed but regardless Stellan and MckMama are going to Boston for more specialized care.

Please be in prayer for this family.  Stellan has been in the hospital for weeks now and so for weeks his body has been going through the trauma of SVT of his heart (very high heart rate) off on and on.  I'm sure that he is exhausted and his body is tired of trying to keep up with the frenzied activity.  For weeks now MckMama has been staying with Stellan either at the hospital or at a nearby hotel, only getting to see her husband and other three children sporadically.  I'm sure that she is exhausted and tired of being away from her family.

Please pray for the whole family's spirits.  That they will continue to trust God through this trial.  That the other children will be able to understand on some level what is going on and why their Mom is gone so much.  Please pray for their marriage as the stress and distance accumulate.  Please pray for Stellan and MckMama's travel in the hospital flight from Minnesota to Boston.  Please pray for Stellan's body to keep fighting.  Please pray for the doctor's wisdom and guidance.  Please pray for the surgery if they have one.  And mostly, as I know MckMama would ask you, please pray for healing.  Whether healing means healing on this Earth or not, they are trusting God to heal Stellan.

I know that any comments that you would leave MckMama would be greatly appreciated.  MckMama and her friends have continued to update Stellan's name gallery which has so many awesome pictures of Stellan's name all over the world.  If you've never checked it out please go and look at it.  The name gallery started when MckMama was still pregnant with Stellan and was told that he would die almost immediately.  And now his name has been sent in in front of president's, all over the world, and even in front of The University of Alabama sign.  :)  If you feel led to send in a picture, I know that MckMama appreciates all of the visible reminders of people praying for their family.

Remember, there is power in prayer!  And this family needs all the prayers that can be said for them.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know that someone has posted a UA Stellan picture! So fun!



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