Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A quarter century

Yesterday I turned 25.  While nothing much fun happens at your 25th birthday (no license, alcohol, etc) it still seems like a big deal.  I'm a quarter of a century old!  Yikes! :)  But at least I can always rest secure in the knowledge that my sweet husband has always been and will always be older than me.  I'll take some comfort in that! 

You know as you get older sometimes birthday's are anti-climatic.  When I was growing up birthday's were always well celebrated in our house.  Mom would wake me up to the Walt Disney version of Happy Birthday.

To this day that song can bring a smile to my face no matter what's going on!  We always were treated to dinner out either with dessert out or with a cake and lots of presents!  Birthday's were a HUGE deal and so they were always so important to me.  I'm not sure that I'll ever outgrow my penchant for birthdays (as shown by the fact that on the 13th of every month I tell Jason how many month's there are until my birthday!).  But sometimes life gets busy and you don't get to celebrate quite the way you did growing up.  Which is fine, but sometimes it's nice to get to feel like a princess for a day again.

That's exactly what yesterday was like for me!  My company gives all employee's a Birthday Holiday to use within 5 days of their birthday and I took mine yesterday.  That made my weekend a 3 1/2 day weekend which was awesome!  I got to sleep late which was super nice and, these days, few and far between.  Then I met up with Kelly and Caroline to go and get my "traditional" birthday lunch in my hometown.  We also did some shopping and just got to spend some fun girl time together.  Last night, Jason and I went out to eat with Mom and Dad and enjoyed great food and fun conversation.  

I'm so loving my embroidery machine that my parents gave me for my birthday and they also got me some cute pj's for my post-Charlotte experience when I'm hanging out in pj's most days.  Mom also found this cute Amy Butler book that has all of these different patterns of things to make for Charlotte so that's super exciting!  Overall, the day was so much fun.  So relaxing.  Such a great way to spend my last pre-baby birthday.  Thank you everyone for making my day so special!

Jason and I at dinner

Mom and I at dinner.  Thanks Mom for carrying me for 44 weeks and then going through days of labor! I am especially thankful for that this year! :)


  1. I LOVE the Disney Birthday song! What a fun little tradition. Glad you had such a wonderful day.

    Oh, the new blog design is just too cute!

  2. Happy belated b'day! I am jealous of your embroidery machine...what a great gift!



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