Sunday, April 5, 2009

Palm Sunday and other Misc Items

This morning Jason and I enjoyed being back in both big church and Sunday school.  I've been having pretty severe back pain that has kept me from sitting down long enough to tolerate both so we've been trying to make one or the other when we haven't been out of town.  It was nice this morning to have the pain gone so that we could attend both the service and Sunday School.  Let me tell you, physical therapy is a miracle worker!  If you live in my area and are pregnant and having pain let me know because I can recommend a WONDERFUL PT who specializes in pregnancy care who has totally gotten the pain removed.

So now I'm taking a quick break from packing to post since I haven't blogged in a while.  I'm headed down to Tuscaloosa this afternoon to spend one last day in the office before Charlotte arrives.  The sweet people in my office are also throwing Charlotte her first shower tomorrow so I'm super excited about that!  I'm also excited because I'm getting to eat dinner with my friend Sarah tonight who I haven't gotten to see in ages!  Yea!  I'm also hoping Mom and I will get to watch Twilight tonight since Kelly was so sweet to let me borrow it.  It should be a fun 24 hours!

On the baby front Charlotte is still kicking up a storm and I feel like she might finally have moved out of breech position which makes me feel a lot better.  I've been feeling her little foot sticking out right under my ribs recently so that's been fun.  I can't believe we're down to 54 days!  It's amazing how quickly time has flown!  I'm trying to get everything prepared now so that I can relax during the month of May.  So a few requests please.  First, I'm trying to freeze meals so that our freezer is pretty stocked by the time Charlotte arrives.  If you have any good "freezable" meals can you send them my way?? I have a list of items that I want to make but it would probably be good to include some items that aren't in our regular food rotation.  Second, if you live near me, do you have someone good who cleans your house that I might could hire once to clean our house before Charlotte gets here??  I've been trying to steer clear of the cleaners with heavy fumes since I've been pregnant and, while Jason is a champ and has been helping so much, I'd really like to get the house deep cleaned before Charlotte gets here.  I can't seem to find anyone who knows of someone who would come and just clean the house once so if you know of someone could you please send me their information?!?!  I would rather have someone that someone I know has used so that makes things a little more difficult.

Ok, I've got to go get on the road.  I'll try and post pictures of the shower from work as soon as I can get back home and upload them!  Happy Easter Week!


  1. Your plans and list are IDENTICAL to mine!!! I totally have May 1st as my deadline to have everything done and then rest up before my baby girl gets here!!! I am trying to talk my husband into letting me hire someone to clean....but we'll see how the budget looks for that! :) I have made a list of meals to freeze but most of them are your "normal" casseroles, etc.
    E-mail me if you think you want them, though! We could share recipes!
    Have fun at your shower! Hope Charlotte gets lots of great stuff!

  2. Jen- I literally freeze almost everything! One big help is to just cook a bunch of chicken, shred it up and freeze it (about 3 breasts/zip lock bag) and do the same with hamburger meat (1 pound/bag). Then you have meat ready for casseroles and throwing the rest together is pretty easy.

  3. Do you like spinach/ chicken lasagna? I have a good recipe that freezes well.....I'll look through my recipes and see what else might be "different."

  4. Hey Jennifer! I just wanted to let you know what a treat it was to eat dinner with you on Sunday. You are such a special friend, and I am very excited about meeting Charlotte and seeing you and the rest of your family soon! Happy Easter! Love you, Sarah



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