Saturday, March 7, 2009

Worst Blogger Award

Well, I totally feel like I deserve the worst blogger award due to my lack of posts over the past few weeks.  We haven't really been doing a lot of fun stuff we've just been super busy.  If you look at my planner for the month of March I think you would start to stress out too and that's where I've been the past few days.  Right between overwhelmed and nervous breakdown.  :)

Thankfully today has been SUPER productive and I'm ready to tackle the rest of the month of March.  Jason and I spent the day doing stuff around the house and I'm pleased to say that the study and guest room are now presentable!  I apologize if you've been to my house in the past month and had to see the state of disarray that the rooms were in.  I'm wishing now that I had taken before pictures so that I could take after pictures but I guess I'll just have to revel in the cleanliness and organization in my head.  

We have a really fun, but busy, next few weeks and I'm really looking forward to them.  Last night we had maternity pictures made and it was fun.  Ok, I'm not going to lie, they made me feel like a model telling me how to pose and everything! :)  We'll see how the turn out.  We got the session for free as part of a 4 session plan for Charlotte that we booked so it was just something fun to do.  The photographer is very trendy and I love her shots but I'm a little nervous that Jason and I are going to look like goobers in such trendy photographs.

On Monday we have our 4D ultrasound and I couldn't be more excited.  I can't wait to see Charlotte's precious face!  She's been kicking up a storm lately and woke me up with the hiccups this morning.  The pregnancy is getting so much fun now!  I'm not feeling tooooo big yet and so I'm still enjoying most everything.  I'll post pictures on Monday when we get home.

And then my friend Leigh is getting married next weekend!  The festivities are kicking off Thursday night with a shower at my house that I'm so excited about!  It should be some good girl time.  I can't wait to see Leigh as a bride, she's going to be so beautiful!  I am so happy that she has found someone as great as Justin.  They are going to have a wonderful life together!

We're off to go eat with Kelly and Tripp (Jenni, we'll miss you!).  Since I feel like our house is about as organized as it can get tomorrow I'm going to tackle the masses of childhood stuff at Mom and Dad's.  We were looking for my baby book the other day and I realized how much stuff I have over there!  I never thought I was a pack rat until I saw everything over there.  So, since it's been killing me all week to know that I have so much junk over there, I'm going to go and pull out the things I want for Charlotte's room and the things that I must keep and get rid of the rest of it.  Sadly, I'm really excited about it! :) 

Have a great Saturday!


  1. Wish I could have been there!

  2.'re not the worst blogger. We all need a little break every now and then.

    Can't wait to see the 4D pictures of baby Charlotte....and some of the after pictures of the study and guest room!



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