Monday, March 23, 2009

Rosemary Beach

We had such a good time at the beach!  It was sad coming home yesterday and back to the real world.  Jason and I had been looking towards the beach trip as the last big event right before Charlotte gets here and now that it's over we (at least I) are a little overwhelmed that the next big event is our daughter's birth!

Kelly and Tripp rode down with us to Montgomery on Wednesday night.  It was sad watching them leave sweet Caroline on Wednesday but they both did SO GOOD while we were gone!  I know that they missed her but I think, I hope, that they fully enjoyed their time away also.  It helped to leave her in the good hands of Puppy and Granddaddy.  

On Thursday we met up with Charlie mid-afternoon at the beach and went grocery shopping.  That was a definite experience!  :)  I think the guys overestimated how much beer they were going to be drinking but hopefully Dad can enjoy that this week while he and Mom stay at the beach!  We went to The Red Bar Thursday night for a late dinner and it was really good.  Really crowded with all of the spring break-ers but really good.

Friday the guys played golf and the girls went shopping, always a favorite past time of mine at the beach.  We had been saving all of our clothing purchases for the past few months for this trip and I took advantage of it!  After we all got home we went to Chops 30A for a fantastic dinner!  We were able to eat early since we were all exhausted from our exercise (you can't tell me shopping isn't a sport!) and enjoyed the nice, relaxing dinner.  After dinner we played a rousing game of Cranium where the girls proceeded to beat the boys handily even though the guys had been talking trash earlier in the night.  

We spent Saturday at the beach.  It was cooler but there still were no clouds in the sky which made it the perfect beach day.  The guys got a little roughed up diving to catch a football in the water, but we enjoyed the beautiful day.  The sun does zap your energy though so we just stayed at the house and grilled on Saturday night which was so relaxing!  I think we were all about ready to get some sleep by 8 pm! 

It was such a wonderful trip and such a nice break from the everyday.  Thanks Mom and Dad for a fantastic vacation!


  1. Looks like y'all had so much fun!

    On another note, your pictures just keep cuter and cuter the farther along you get! LOVE the dress, Jenn!



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