Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Have you ever heard about something that you can't quite believe but you think, "If that's true, it's amazing!"??  That's how I felt the first time I read about laminin on Jennie Marie's blog.  I remember reading that post and being awe-struck at the awesome planning of our Creator.  

Being the fairly naive person that I am I simply took what was in Jennie Marie's post as fact.  I assumed that someone couldn't possibly make that up.  And, really, they had a handy diagram and everything, who would go to so much trouble?!?!  But when I mentioned it to some other people they felt like I had gotten my leg pulled.  So I went and googled and looked it up on Wikipedia and as far as I can tell, it's a true phenomenon.  The most basic part of our body is really shaped in the form of a cross.  

Today, Kelly (Harper's Mom) posted a video by Louie Giglio who is an awesome speaker that I've heard before.  Please go check out the video (it also comes up if you just google "laminin") and spend some time thinking about the greatness of God.  That he created our innermost parts to direct us to the cross.

Easter is only a few weeks away and the weeks leading up to Easter are always kind of difficult for me.  Thinking about all that Christ went through for me and for you is hard.  My high school Sunday School teacher always did a lesson on the medical side of the Crucifixion before Easter and the lesson continues to stay with me.  It was no easy thing that Christ did; it wasn't an easy death.  Six Hours One Friday by Max Lucado is another favorite Easter read of mine to put me in the right state of mind for this celebration.  The celebration of Christ paying the price for me.  The celebration of redemption and everlasting love.  The celebration of Christ's overtaking of death and sin.  

I hope that as Easter approaches you'll look at some of these articles and sites and books and think about how much God loves you.  Think about what the cross accomplished for you and for me.  And think about the might and power of a God who came to this earth as a baby but loves us so much that he put signs pointing us to the cross at the most basic layer of our bodies.  How Great is Our God!

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