Sunday, February 15, 2009

There's love in the air...

I feel like this weekend was all about love for me!

It started out with a fantastic dinner on Friday night with Jason.  We enjoyed really good food and had an early reservation so we got finished with plenty of time to get Cold Stone and watch a movie.  Just to save you the effort, don't watch Nights in Rodanthe.  At least, not on a night when you want a nice love story.  We definitely didn't enjoy it.  But the rest of the night was great!  

On Saturday Jason and Tripp played golf and I started my day but running seemingly all over town running errands.  I picked up Charlotte's baby book and absolutely love it! I'll try and get a picture of it with some of the other things that we've got for her room this week.  After running errands I went to my friend Leigh's wedding shower.  You might remember this post that I wrote when she got engaged.  It was so fun to see her getting so many beautiful gifts (and many is an apt description, there were tons of gifts!!).  It was also really nice to get to catch up with some friends that I hadn't seen in a while!

Me, Leigh, and Tiffany
Tiffany and I met in our public speaking class probably freshman year at Alabama?  Then she lived with Leigh and they became very good friends.  Tiffany and I are honorary bridesmaids in Leigh's wedding along with a few other friends

After Leigh's shower Jason and I went to another friend from high school's wedding.  It was a beautiful wedding and fun reception!  Thomas and Hilary were the cutest couple!  Thomas is a fun guy and he definitely showed that by answering "I definitely do!" instead of "I do" during the vows and sweeping Hilary over into a dip to kiss her for the first time.  The reception was also a lot of fun.  It was so nice catching up with old friends and meeting their significant others for the first time.  You can only keep up with so much on facebook so seeing people on special occasions like this was really nice!

Overall we had a great weekend and I really feel like this Valentine's Day was a true celebration of love.  I hope your weekend was as much fun as ours was!

1 comment:

  1. Jenn, you look so pretty in these pictures. I love your two dresses! Showing off your maternity style!



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