Thursday, February 5, 2009

Harper is going home!

In case you're not keeping up with Kelly's blog she posted yesterday that they get to take Harper home today!  Almost exactly 3 weeks after Kelly and Scott went into the hospital to have Harper they are getting to take her home.  They still have some not fun times ahead of them since they'll have to stay inside and not allow visitors to visit Harper for a few months but they are so happy to be going home.

Go and visit Kelly's blog and leave her a note of encouragement and praise today.  God has worked a miracle in their family!  And also continue to pray for them.  Pray for safe travels home.  Pray for sanity in the months ahead as they stay isolated and at home.  Pray for Harper's 100% healing and for there to be no lasting trauma as a result of this.  Pray for the people who have accepted Christ because of reading about this situation.  Pray that Kelly, Scott, and Harper can continue to reach people for Jesus.

Thanks for being a part of such an awesome prayer movement!

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