Saturday, January 24, 2009

What we've been up to....

I feel like it's been forever since I've posted.  I had Recipe Wednesday set up Tuesday evening to post Wednesday morning but since then I've barely had time to check my Reader much less post.  What a week it's been for us!

Tuesday evening Jason started having excruciating back pain.  However, it only stayed for a few minutes and then just left his back a little sore.  Later that night though it came back and stayed for about three hours. Looking back we should have done something then but we both felt like it would pass and he'd be able to go to the doctor the next morning.  However, when he got up Wednesday morning to go to the doctor he immediately experienced the pain again.  It was so bad that he literally could not move.  At that point we called an ambulance and went to the ER.  

Jason was able to be seen by doctor's and given some prescriptions to ease his pain on Wednesday afternoon.  Since then he has not had the intense pain of before and he is slowly working his way back to being up and around again.  The doctor's couldn't find any cause for the pain but he has a follow up appointment Monday morning with our GP to confirm that.

So since Wednesday Jason's been hanging out in bed and I've been taking care of him.  I'm just glad that Charlotte isn't here yet because I don't think I could have made it with a baby and Jason.  He's been a great patient but it's hard taking care of someone 24 hours a day.  So it's been a pretty long week.  Thank you for those who knew what was going on and have been praying for us.  We're praying that this is an isolated incident and not something that becomes recurring.  

This week has definitely been a learning experience for me.  Jason is rarely sick and seeing him in so much pain was so scary.  It's terrifying to watch the person that you love and depend on be so helpless and in so much pain.  It's been a struggle for me to give my concerns and fears to God this week but over and over again He keeps reminding me that being in control is His job, not mine.  It's easy to let your mind wander into worst case scenarios but it's a lot harder to remember that God is more than big enough to carry all of my fear and worries.  While I never want Jason to have to go through this again it's been good to be reminded of this before Charlotte comes into our lives.  I have to remember that God's the one in control and that He has a plan.  

So thank you for praying for us.  And thank you for praying for Harper also.  She is doing remarkably better.  At one point in the past few days they had her down to 45% oxygen which is fantastic.  Kelly posted this morning that while they're anticipating another two weeks in the hospital the doctor told them this morning that Harper should be off the ventilator and awake by next week.  Keep praying for this sweet little girl and her parents.  Harper is not healed yet and still needs your prayers.  But thank you for joining in on such a strong prayer movement.  It's amazing what happens when Christians gather and pray in Jesus' name.  Miracles DO happen.

Have a good Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. We are so glad Jason is feeling better. We missed you both at dinner tonight!



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