Monday, January 12, 2009

First peek at Charlotte's Room

Yesterday after church Jason and I decided that we were going to get the big box out of our dining room and put together Charlotte's crib! We figured, since the two of us are engineers if we can't put it together by ourselves we might need to give our degrees back!  Thankfully, we got it together with next to no pain.  It seems so odd having a crib in our house! Does everyone else feel like it was so surreal at this stage?!?!  I love the crib but the picture isn't that great.  It will look much better with a pink wall behind it!

So I thought I'd show you a little peek at what Charlotte's room is looking like now.  We got the closet install complete and I've moved all the little clothes and stuffed animals and toys over and its starting to look like a little girls closet at least!  Mom, Kelly, and I went to this cute store a few towns away on Saturday and ordered Charlotte the prettiest blankets and burp cloths and bibs! They're getting monogrammed right now but I can't wait to show them to you when they get in!  I can't wait to have something with her name on it!

The closet soon to be filled with lots of cute dresses and bows and shoes!

The bookshelves; I absolutely love the way they turned out!

Here is an adorable Christmas dress that Jason and I got for Charlotte Friday night.  Mom and I saw a precious little boy and girl in matching outfits like this when we were in Atlanta for the SEC Championship and I was lucky enough to find one on sale on Friday! I can't wait for our sweet little girl to wear this dress about the real meaning of Christmas next year!

I would have loved having a little boy, but it's so much fun buying dresses and pink things for a little girl! :)

To all you Mom's out there, I'm a little overwhelmed with all of the things that all the books and websites say that I "need".  Can you tell me what your "must have" baby product(s) is?? I want to make sure that I get everything for sweet Charlotte that I really need but I don't want to buy tons of things that I'll never use!  Thanks in advance for your help! 


  1. Love the bookshelves!! Glad to see you already have a Woozit. That is the best toy.
    I'm better at telling what you DON'T need. You don't need a ton of newborn diapers or clothes. She maybe to big for these from the get go. You also don't need a bottle steralizer...a pot and hot water do just fine before 1st use, then just hot soapy water. Also, those wedges for the crib never worked well for babies scooted right down them and were flat.
    Make sure to register for things you will need a little later..sippy cups, spoons, bowls, a highchair, an exersaucer (a MUST have) etc. You'll need them before you know it.
    I started buying a pack of diapers (all sizes up to 4) each time I went to the grocery store starting when I was 20 weeks prego with Shelby. It helps distribute the cost!!
    Don't buy to much Jennifer...give us a chance to get you some cute stuff too!!!

  2. Everything looks great!!! That is the same crib style for my youngest! Hers also converts to a full size bed later on! =] I agree with the Ball Family's comment! There really is soooo much out there that you don't need, but think you might. Another is diaper wipe warmers. Diaper genies are nice to keep the smell out of the house!

  3. The room is looking great so far! It just needs to be filled up with pink! I love the crib and the closets turned out great! You definitely need a swing. Tripp and I thought we didn't need one, but we ended up buying one after Caroline was here. Also, I am a big fan of the video monitor. I can't imagine not be able to see Caroline from the next room while she sleeps!

  4. I second Sara's comment about NOT needing a diaper wipe warmer.



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