Saturday, January 17, 2009

Crossing it off the list!

First, let me thank those of you who have been praying for Harper.  The last thing that Kelly or her Dad posted said that Harper isn't even on the list anymore for the heart/lung bypass because she is recovering so well on her own.  How amazing to watch the prayers of God's children work a miracle in this family's life.  Please keep praying! Harper isn't out of the woods yet but she is doing so much better!

Jason and I have had such a busy (and productive!) day.  Last night we went out with the intention of ordering Charlotte's rocker and baby book.  But both stores in town were closed when we got there! To say that pregnant girl was a little disappointed is a major understatement.  Jason was planning on playing golf with Tripp this morning so I resigned myself that crossing those items off of my To-Do list wasn't going to happen until next week.  But then the course was closed today because of all of the cold weather so we got to go shopping!  Sorry Tripp! :)

If you know me or have read my blog for a while you might have noticed or guessed that I'm a little...what's a nice way of putting this...structured.  :)  I love having a to-do list and crossing things off of it.  I also love having things done waaaay ahead of time.  Is anyone else like this? It might make me feel better if I knew that I am somewhat normal and not just crazy! :)  Anyway, so I wanted to get the rocker and baby book off of my baby to-do's so we went out today with that mission and boy did we get it accomplished!

We ordered this rocker in a pretty chocolate fabric with a fun pattern for the nursery.  It is the most comfortable chair that swivels, rocks, and reclines!  Jason threatened to just hang out in the chair in the store all day but I pulled him out because we had things to do!  You can go here to check out the other chairs that the company offers.  And just as a sidenote, the chair looks much better in person and much less modern in person than it does in the picture.  I loved it when I saw it in the store but wasn't sure when I looked at the picture but I figured I better go with what I love in the store and not base my decision on the picture in the catalog.

Then we went to the other baby store in town and purchased Charlotte's monogrammed baby book.  It's beautiful and is just what I wanted!  One of the things that I love, but also that worries me, is that basically it's just a cover that goes over a 3-ring binder.  It comes with pages but they didn't have any samples so I wasn't able to see what they looked like.  So now I'm going to look online and see if I can find more pages that I love to put into the book.  If anyone knows of a good place to get some pages please let me know!  Here's a picture of kind of what it looks like...except without the ribbon and with a brown ruffle around the edges.  And it will have Charlotte's initials instead of her name.  

I'm also about to send Kim my fabric swatches and paint color for the nursery so that she can start Charlotte's name painting! I have been looking forward to ordering that painting ever since I found out about Kim's site.  It will be so much fun to have a painting for "Baby Mo" by Kim in the nursery and one for "Charlotte".  I can't wait to see what Kim decides to paint on the painting!  I love everything that she does so I'm just going to tell her to have fun with it!

And that brings me to the bedding which I need to order soon.  I've picked it out at Polka Tot Designs and am super excited about it! I think it will be beautiful with her monogram on it.  We're going to paint the walls a soft pink and our furniture is brown along with the rocker.  I can't wait to order it and get it in! It's the Classic Paisley Pink pattern in the "Crib Set Favorites" section on Polka Tot's website.

So, really, my to-do list is getting pretty short now! I need to decide whether I want to buy matching fabric from Polka Tot's to make the curtains with or if I want to find something coordinating on my own.  I probably will just make a valence instead of full drapes so that they won't become a safety hazard -- does anyone have an opinion on the best kind of curtains in a nursery?  Then we need to find a rug and a few more odds and ends like lamps and a chandelier!  It's amazing how much more real everything seems with a crib put together and stuffed animals all over the room already! 

Happy Saturday everyone!


  1. I love the bedding - CAN'T WAIT!!!

  2. Sounds like you are all ready! I love everything you've picked out!



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