Wednesday, January 7, 2009

And the baby is....

A girl!

We're thinking pink at our house tonight!  Our ultrasound went great this afternoon though the appointment after did take a while.  Sweet baby girl wasn't positioned in a really great position to be able to see everything but they were able to check all of her vitals and everything looked perfect.  We were afraid that we wouldn't get to find out baby's name, but we eventually found some pretty good signs and are fairly sure that baby is a girl.  We'll get confirmation when we do our 4D in a few weeks but we're pretty confident that Baby Mo is a little girl.

We are so excited!  Jason asked me while we were waiting to see the doctor if it was ok now to say that he really wanted a girl.  I told him that now is the perfect time to say that!  It looks like Jason and I were both incorrect on the baby pool.  Although, I will tell you that I told Jason last night that I was pretty confident that it was a girl.  I didn't change my vote because I didn't want anyone to think I was cheating, but I did think that!  I know, I know, no one's going to believe me, but it is the truth! :)

Sorry it took so long to get this out here but I found that since I can't send emails on my phone I couldn't post from the road and we went out with family for dinner to celebrate.  I hope none of you were too antsy about the big reveal! :)

Jason and I at dinner reveling in the big news!

Mom and I at dinner

And now for the biggest's name!  Growing up I always had tons of girl names and NO boy names so I always said I wanted all girls since I didn't like any boy names.  But around this time last year I found the perfect boys name that I loved and found that I didn't like any of my girl names anymore!  So it was a little difficult for Jason and I to pick out a girls name that we just loved.  We finally found a name by talking through our heritage a little bit.  

We both have multiple men in our family who have the name Charles either as a first or middle name.  My brother, my great-great grandfather, Jason's grandfather...I'm sure that there are more that I'm missing.  One of my grandmother's names is Charlene which is a form of Charles.  And so we liked Charles as our boy's middle name and then Jason found that Charlotte is another feminine version of Charles.  And I loved it!  It's a very traditional name but one that isn't heard that often (although now that we're naming our baby that I'm sure that I'll meet tons of them!).  Charlotte is also pretty fun and whimsical also, at least that's what it makes me think of.  A little princess.  Which fits baby girl perfectly! :)  We decided to have her middle name be Lee because it's also a family name.  My mom's middle name is Lee and my great-great grandfather's middle name is Lee also.  So we decided on Charlotte Lee.    I like it!

Since you know me you know I'm way into getting things done early.  I'll start showing the crib bedding and other goodies that I've got picked out soon!  While I would have loved a boy, a little girl is going to be so much fun!  Thanks for sharing this exciting journey with us!


  1. I definitely teared up when I read that Jason said he wanted a girl. So sweet! Girls are so much fun! Little Charlotte Lee doesn't know how blessed she is to have you and Jason for parents, Jennifer!

    PS...My great aunt's name is Charlotte and I've always LOVED it!

  2. The needle test is right again! Congratulations, Jennifer and Jason! Tripp, Caroline, and I are so excited for you! Little girls are so much fun! And I love the name, it's perfect!

  3. I love the name Charlotte.
    You can just see her in ruffles and bows!
    I look forward to getting to know you more through blogging



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