Friday, December 19, 2008

Relaxing...I think I forgot what that feels like!

*Sigh*  Tomorrow, we have no where to go and nothing scheduled that we have to do.  I have plans to finish wrapping presents and put our guest room back together since the painters are done but tonight I'm reveling in the knowledge that if I don't feel like doing any of it tomorrow I don't have to!  It feels like its been so long since I've had a day like that!  We've been traveling to ball games and having parties and traveling for work so much that I  feel like we've literally been on the go since August.  I'm looking forward to relaxing tomorrow!

Ok, that's short and I feel like a bad blogger but all I can think about right now is crawling into bed and going to sleep.  Y'all have a good weekend!  Maybe I'll think of something interesting to blog about while I'm relaxing tomorrow.  Not likely, but a possibility! :)

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have a very relaxing weekend! You definitely deserve one with all that you have had going on! Baby Mo needs some relaxation time! I am dreading going to work tomorrow, but I only have to work 3 more days until I am off for Christmas!



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