Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 2008

We had such a wonderful Christmas! On Christmas Eve we had Christmas with my Mom's family and it was so much fun, as always!  Sam and Abby are growing up and are no longer getting fun toys like a drum set from their aunts but I'm guessing baby Mo might start getting those kinds of presents soon!  :)  

Christmas morning Charlie gave me a reprieve since I'm pregnant and waited until 7:30 to wake us up.  He loves Christmas morning so much that he literally sets his alarm in order to get up at the crack of dawn!  Did I mention that he's 21?!? I was hoping that he'd eventually get over that but it seems like that will continue forever!  Mo continued the trend that started Christmas Eve to get more presents than Jason and I.  I guess that's just showing us that we've reached a new place in our lives!  It was fun to see what people had gotten Mo since we won't find out for another 9 days whether Mo is a little boy or a little girl.  Mo got some pretty fun gifts!

I was super excited that Jason and I got our "big" camera that we've (I) have been hoping for.  It's a Canon EOS Rebel and I love it!  I spent most of Christmas morning playing with all the features and reading the manual while Jason and Charlie played golf on PlayStation and then watched Bond on Dad's new Blu-Ray player.  You can see some of the pictures that I took that morning here.  I had fun adjusting the focal points and playing with the different settings.  It's a really neat camera!

Christmas Day ended at Jason's Dad's parents house.  It's always fun to see what singing character his granddad has gotten recently! This year it was a Santa who sang Silent Night.  I just love getting together with family!  We finished off Christmas on Saturday by having Jason's Mom and Dad, brother, and brother's girlfriend over for dinner.  It was my first time entertaining seriously in a small group.  It was a little stressful but I think it went well!

Today we got our beautiful crib delivered that I'm so excited about! And our contractor is here installing the closet system and bookshelves in the nursery.  Only 9 more days until I get to finalize on a paint color and bedding! I can't believe it's that close! I told Jason that I feel like I get Christmas again next Wednesday because I'm just so excited to find out!

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